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(besides the fact that I have recently begun using question marks far too frequently)

OKAY SO I was reading one-shots on Ao3 and there was one where Shermie was the Stan twins older brother

(Maybe this has been obvious to everyone else but I've never even considered it?)

I always just assumed that the baby that Ma Pines was holding in the kick-Stan-out-of-the-house scene was Shermie. Because that would make sense. What didn't make sense is that Alex Hirsch refused to tell us about the baby (from that one comic con video series, the same one with "pomegranates cause brain damage"). What also didn't make sense that if Shermie is eighteen years younger than the Stan twins and the Stan twins are in their sixties...that's pretty young to have two twelve-year-old grandchildren.

But then I realized

If Shermie is the older brother

Then the baby Ma Pines is holding is Dipper and Mabel's dad.

(...I feel like everybody already knew this and I'm way late to the party? Has anyone else thought of this? Because it never even crossed my mind. But anyway.)

So then that begs the question: Where's Shermie? Did something happen to him? Did Ma Pines have to raise Dip's dad/Shermie's son? Or is it more innocent? Was Ma Pines just having some Grandma time with her first (and probably only) grandson? Why did Alex refuse to talk about the baby so firmly?

I still have no idea why I mean he never showed up again and was never mentioned in the show as any big reveal or anything...

I feel like I'm missing something really big here, guys.

But at the very least, do you think it makes sense that the baby Ma Pines was holding is actually Shermie's son, and that Shermie was older?

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