My Earliest Writing Memory

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I remember being four years old, but I may have been older. I was writing a story on printer paper about a baby named Annabelle being born and a fairy being angry that she wasn't invited to the celebration. I'd been inspired, not by Sleeping Beauty, but by Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep by Gail Carson Levine, a remixed fairy tale in the collection The Fairy's Return and Other Princess Tales. Levine was the first author I ever tried to imitate, so her work holds a special place in my heart.

Well, I was writing along in my big clumsy handwriting (though in my memory's eye it's quite small), and I soon because frustrated with the fact that, no matter what I did, my lines kept going crooked. Because I was writing on printer paper. And so I gave up because there was a whole blank corner that I couldn't fill because my lines were too diagonal.

The end.

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