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I just watched a SuperCarlinBrothers video that asked viewers what their lead emotion would be (like in Inside Out). And I actually think mine would be Sadness?

Not because I'm depressed or anything - I've never had any type of clinical depression - but depression isn't really a function of Sadness, and Inside Out explored that. Riley got depressed (not clincally depressed, just normal depressed) after both Joy AND Sadness got lost. Sadness is a really healthy emotion. And depression is characterized by feelings of worthlessness and apathy more than pure sadness.

But anyway, I think my Sadness would be in the lead because I tend to get nostalgic really easily and I see a lot of beauty in the world but almost in a sad way, and I get really sad really easily about all the bad things in the world.

But I don't think Sadness would run my head the way Joy did in Inside Out, and I think Joy and Disgust would be pretty prominent too.

Which of the five emotions do you think is in charge in your head?

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