Inventor Falls

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The following is my very own alternate universe for Gravity Falls. PM me if you want to write something for this!


Gravity Falls, Oregon, 1982


Fiddleford McGucket: A shy, underestimated 12-yr-old boy who has been sent up to Gravity Falls as an alternative to attending summer school. Fidds has a hard time paying attention and learning in school, and is therefore constantly told he's dumb (and believes it). However, he's a whiz with mechanics, and absolutely loves tinkering around. He has glasses that he hates, and so he usually doesn't wear them and squints around at things, unless an adult catches him. His glasses are taped up from being broken so much in his pocket. Though he is hyperactive, his shy disposition comes from years of being told to shut up, stay still, and keep his thoughts to himself. Once he finds someone willing to listen to him, though, he has great ideas and thoughts to share.

Stanford Pleasure: The first person Fiddleford runs into once at Gravity Falls - literally. Once both boys have recovered their breath and picked up their glasses (Fidds stuffing his back in his pocket), Ford introduces himself as Fidds' 12-yr-old roommate. Ford lives with their caretaker after running away from his family a few years back. His family knows where he is, but doesn't care enough to take him back. Unlike Fidds, Ford is extremely outspoken, always talking about his newest idea or theory. He loves anything paranormal, supernatural, or magical, which he cheerfully informs Fidds is abundant here in Gravity Falls, and he's going to be a famous paranormal researcher someday. Ford's family never liked his obsession, and didn't think having grand thoughts was a good talent, hence the running away. But Ford is happy in his situation - from what he says.

Gideon McGucket: Fiddleford's reclusive great uncle, who agreed to host Fiddleford for the summer as long as he did a report on his experiences at the end. Gideon is a greedy, power-hungry old man who tries to buy out everyone in the town in order to expand his business, the Paranormal Palooza Amusement Park. He's often grumpy, since his business does poorly and nobody will move off their land for him to actually build any rides. He makes a living off selling trinkets and yelling at people. Fidds tries to stay out of his way, but Ford says he really is caring underneath, since he's been letting Ford live in his broken-down cabin for a couple years.

Dipper Pines: Gideon's 16-yr-old head employee, who (in the lack of amusement park) runs his own little business under Gideon's nose, giving his profits to the old man by disguising them as gift shop profits. In reality, paranormal hunters come from all over to get personal tours of the forest and information on the supernatural from Dipper. He gets all sorts of "crazies" in, much more than Gideon's tacky gift shop and empty promises of a theme park. Dipper loves studying the supernatural, and has many relationships with creatures of the forest. He takes Ford out on his tours sometimes, but is more interested in experiencing the magic than theorizing about it.

Mabel Pines: Dipper's twin sister, whose bright and happy disposition and free stickers are probably the only things bringing tourists to the Park. She runs the cash register, helps keep Dipper's business secret, makes ten friends a day, and brightens the lives of all around her. Fidds almost immediately starts to crush on her, drawn to her sparkling personality, but mortified to talk to her (she'll just think he's stupid like everyone else).

Bill Valentino: The blonde popular kid, this teen is always trying to attract Mabel's attention. He seems to think they're dating, although Dipper tries to tell him that Mabel is nice to everybody. Bill picks on Fidds whenever he sees him, and thinks he's a stupid little kid who spends too much time around "his girl." Fidds thinks Bill needs to hurry up and drown in his hair gel.

Stanley Pleasure: Ford's twin brother, who still lives with their parents. He's a famous psychic, a "useful talent" as his parents say (also the bane of Gideon's entrepeneurship) but he often sneaks out to be with Ford out in the forest. Lee is a boy who should be bright and happy, but is weighed down by his powers and responsibilities. He was born with his powers, but sometimes they consume him, and he's even attacked Ford before. He's strongest at telekinesis, but can also read minds, talk to spirits, and perform Astral projection. He doesn't hate his powers but he does hate how his parents make him use them.

Wendy Northwest: One day while out in the forest, Fidds, Ford, and Lee find a redheaded girl out alone. After running away from them, she finally confronts them and demands who sent them after her. When they say no one, she relaxes and introduces herself. Wendy is the only daughter of the richest family in town, and she HATES it. Tomboy extreme, she runs away all the time to play in the forest, get dirty, and spend as much time away from her stuffy family as possible. She befriends the boys, and turns out to be violent, hot-headed, and fiercely loyal. As time goes on, she and Fiddleford find they like each other.

Robbie Valentino: Bill's younger brother, a loner who has known Wendy for a while. The two 12-yr-olds  are supposed to never associate, but since Robbie basically lives on the streets (Bill is his guardian but doesn't care about him), Wendy sneaks him food and such all the time. Robbie has liked Wendy forever, mostly as friends but a bit as a crush. He's moody and rude, but Wendy brings out the best in him.

Soos Pines: Dipper and Mabel's older brother, who disappeared when they were young. Part of Dipper's association with the supernatural is trying to find his brother. Unbeknownst to Dipper, Fiddleford finds a book with a wrench on the front, which is an analog of all Soos's amazing inventions. Soos was an inventor, and one of his inventions went wrong and caused his disappearance. Reading his log, however, gives Fidds hope for the first time that his talents are worth something.

Pacifica Cipher: The dream demon whose meddling ties all the others together. Vain and condescending, Pacifica sees the human dimension that she's trapped in as the epitome of ugliness. She became trapped here when Soos's invention went wrong, and she's been trying to orchestrate a plan to get her back to her own dimension ever since. Her greatest link to others is Lee, whose powers make him susceptible to her influence. Pacifica has no concept of teamwork, only using pawns, and she often lets her frustrations out in ways that make everyone distrust her instead of want to help her, even though they all technically want the same thing: Soos to be back, and Pacifica to be gone.

And that's what I have so far! I tried to keep the characters' personalities generally the same, but I changed a few details based on their age (this Ford is going to act more like young canon Ford than old canon Ford) and new situation (Wendy is more rebellious because of her rich family).


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