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Here's a story summary: 

"Middle school siblings, a boy and a girl, go up north to visit a relative two generations older than them named Stan, who lives surrounded by a forest with no one but two employees, one female and one male. One sibling finds a journal that has some interesting secrets in it, and the two start to explore the surrounding forest. In it, they find all sorts of magical creatures and phenomena, including an evil, conniving creature who likes making deals and unleashes havoc on the area, but luckily that havoc is put to a stop before it escapes to the rest of the world. Along their way, they also restore a long-lost loved one of their relative Stan, who helps them contain the havoc unleashed by the evil creature."

What am I describing? Gravity Falls, right?

Well, yes and no.

I'm actually describing both Gravity Falls and Fablehaven at the same time.


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