I quickly turned away to face Thapar's house as I was getting nostalgic, and I hate getting emotional... 

I stopped crying for petty things few years ago...

We used to live in this super expensive South Delhi block, before I was sent away...

Yeah, my father is super rich...

I was greeted by the security staff outside the mansion

'Welcome back, Aayan baba ... ' Rajaji smiled, he is working here, since we were kids

I smile at him and walk inside, but then this irritating fur ball, came barking towards me, making me step back...

No offense, I don't hate dogs, but I don't like these cute, little dogs, they should be huge and tough to guard the house, not some living teddy bear to play with...

'Get off me, you filthy animal... ' I yell at that thing...

I take a step back and that stupid dog started jumping on me, soiling my trousers...

I hate it when there is even slight dust on my stuff and this teddy, he spoiled my expensive trouser...

Out of rage I push him away not by force, by my legs, and it made yelping sound...

Ooo freak..  Don't be so cruel Aayan, it's just a dog....

I was about to get down to see whether I hurt it or not, a female voice stopped me

'How Dare you...!' she said

I turned around and literally couldn't find my voice, the bag hung over my shoulder slipped off, and I couldn't  believe that it was her...

A Tall, beautiful girl, in loose tees and shorts stood in front of me, her hair reaching upto her waist, her hands on her hips, and she was glaring me with her Dark brown orbs...

Wow...who is this beautiful girl...? Saanjh...??

I am seeing her after, I don't know, 5 years ??

It's hard to believe she is just 18...

Is she really Saanjh or someone else ?

Stop drooling over a kid Aayan...

I composed myself and picked up my bag..

'Are you okay, baby...?' she asks the dog, who was wagging his tail now..

Her voice is so cute...

What...??!!??!? Aayan...!!!!!

'Control your dog... ' I said in my signature arrogant tone...

'How dare you hurt him, it's our house... ' she keeps her hands on her waist and glares at me

Fiery kid !! Family trait I guess... Afterall, her irritating sister is the same...

'Oo so you live with him in that house...?  Interesting... ' I mock her

Let's see how fiery this one is...

'How dare you talk to me like that, apologize to him... ' she says

Like really ? Apologize to a dog, I don't even apologize to Humans...

'To a dog ? Never !' I cross my hands glaring at her

Let the game begin...
Since when I started arguing with Kids...??

I Will Never Be YoursWhere stories live. Discover now