Note of the Week (Oct. 6th)

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So it begins...

I'm so excited to finally be launching Love and Hamburgers. I've been working on this story for two years now and I am so happy to see my work nearly finished. 

Love and Hamburgers originally started off as dream I had, then it became a short story called The Travelers (which can be read at my patreon page theking4mayor) for my writing workshop at Indiana University. As people read the story, they kept asking for more and more. Eventually it blossomed out 10,000 words, and that was just the beginning. The one question that kept coming up was "Who is Liz?"

Originally, Liz was a nobody, or more precisely, an anybody. She was just some girl off on an adventure. But as the story grew, so did Liz's thoughts and feelings. As I dug deeper into that question, it emerged. Liz quickly began to take over the story. This little girl who started off sitting quietly in the passenger seat, listening to Rick's ramblings, was now a full blown protagonist.

This is a very special week, the first week of Love and Hamburgers, the first week of the Rick and Liz Saga. It is, the pilot episode. So, in the great tradition of pilot episodes, I'm making it a double episode. 

It should also be noted that I have decided to release episode on Friday afternoons, rather than at midnight, for everyone's convince.  

So please enjoy episodes 1 and 2 of Love and Hamburgers.

Also, ratings and comments are always appreciated.

Thank you for reading,


Love and Hamburgers [Rick and Liz Saga, Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now