"You don't want to get into my past," I reply, staring at the floor. "It's better left alone."

We stop under one of the lights leading down the path, Levi's intense stare flaring under the glow. "I disagree. I got all the time in the world," he motions towards the vast space around us.

I frown, not wanting to open up to him and end up spilling my guts on the table. My secrets are best left unsaid. It'll only cause pain, and I'm over that feeling. "It's hard for me. Please don't push me."

The bag in his hand crunches when he starts to walk in the other direction to the path we were taking, waving me to follow. I start to run after him. Levi turns his head and flashes me his famous smile when we come up to a picnic table that overlooks the lake. Our knees knock together when we climb into the seats, the chilly air biting at my hands. I wrap the tartan blanket over my shoulders, sliding the black one Levi's way. I smell a hint of curry when he begins to unpack the plastic bag, passing me a fork so I can dig into the food.

It's a type of curried egg, and it's delicious.

"Did your mum cook all of this food?" I say when seven tubs lay on the table.

Levi starts to munch on the salmon salad. "Hell no. We have chefs. Always have done for as long as I can remember."

I move forward in my seat, interested in finding out more about his life. "Oh really? What's that like?"

"Awesome," he laughs, covering his mouth to finish chewing. "Pancakes and waffles every morning."

"Every morning?" I almost moan, already salivating.

Levi goes on to the next dish. "Every. Damn. Day."

Suddenly my usual porridge sounds boring.

"Do you take breakfast orders to go?" I grin, watching him try to contain a laugh.

"Only if you do the washing up."

Falling into a conversation with him is easy. Never any judgement or tension. Levi is a breath of fresh air in my life, and a friend I want to keep hold of for as long as I can. "I do enough of that at the shelter."

My dry nails and itchy skin showing my hard work. I dream of manicures and expensive lotions to keep my skin looking fresh. An old pot of petroleum jelly my reality.

"I do my fair share too," he grins. It's true. Levi's a domestic God.

There's a lemon taste to the salmon salad, and it's pure heaven. "I'm aware. I see you double washing my pots."

His eyes dance in front of me, the grey lighting up. "Guilty. I'm a scruff in real life. I leave dirty dishes in my room and everything. It got so bad once that mould started to grow in the bottom of a mug."

"Are you really admitting this to me?"

Levi wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Um-hm, we're all friends here."

A safe, warm feeling overcomes me when my brain responds with a yes, we are.


Tilly is asleep, curled up into my side, the blankets keeping us both warm. I don't know what time it is. Two in the morning is my guess as I hear a few birds begin to chirp and the rattling of leaves in the distance. It's peaceful, and she feels too good in my arms to leave. I wouldn't be this confident if she were awake. Not a chance.

I wish she'd open up to me. Know that I'm someone she can trust.

The more time I spend with her, the more I ache for her to share her stories, let me in so we can work them out together.

I was hooked the moment we met, her beauty blowing me away. I thought I'd hit the jackpot when she interviewed me for a position at the shelter, losing my nerve the moment she opened her mouth to ask me my name. I remember mumbling Levi; my eyes transfixed on her face. I bet she's got a fella, I thought...no one is that beautiful and is single.

It wasn't until a few weeks in that I found out she lived alone and had no guy.

Best fucking day of my life.

"Levi?" she grumbles, pushing her face into my shoulder.

I scrape back the hair covering her face, wanting to be gentle. "Yeah? You okay there? Comfy?"

"I need to get home," she sighs, contradicting herself by curling up deeper into my side.

"You can stay at my house again. It's too late to be driving across town," I say, the thought of her in my bed making my pulse race.

Tilly's eyes struggle to focus when she glances up. "Will your folks be okay with me staying?"

"Yeah, they won't care."

She moves her hand down my thigh and stops. "Sorry," she glances down, pulling away from me.

Stop her. Let her fingers touch you.

My hand clenches behind her back. "It's okay," I respond, voice two octaves higher than a mans should sound.

Tilly notices and asks, "Everything all right?"

I start to stand up, feeling my dick grow a size. Shit. "Fine, everything's fine. You ready to go?"

Thank fuck we packed the picnic away earlier.

I don't need to draw any more attention to my growing trousers. I'd die on the spot if she saw it.

She studies me hard -ahem - watching my face like a hawk. Lovely, plump, kissable lips puckering slightly. "Yeah, I'm ready. Can you remember the way back to the car? I don't have a clue where we are."

I use the darkness to disguise the now tent in my boxers, needing relief and fast. The long way to the car should do it. Give things time to deflate. "Yeah, this way. It's quick." A little lie never hurt anyone.


Thank you for reading! 💝

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