Chapter 2: After a surprising encounter

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Chapter 2: After a surprising encounter


"Okay, I'll see you later or should I say never" she snapped at me and then left with her friend

I couldn't believe that she snapped at me like that! And to call me arrogant, wow! She left really angry but I just felt pissed because no one has ever stood up to me before and I was now humiliated in front of everyone at camp. Great way to start camp, I guess. After I went to my cabin to get the tshirt we had to wear, I went to where everyone was because we were going to see what we were going to do now. I was surprised that I didn't see her in the bunch that was here. Lots of girls were just hanging themselves over me before the councelors were announcing what we were going to do for today.

After I checked the list to see the group I got on, I left for the first activity which was water trampolines on the lake, awesome!

"I just heard from the guys the top 10 hot girls in the camp this year" my brother or twin Zach had told me. We were almost the same but the only difference was that he had green eyes and I had blue eyes

"Which is number one?" I asked curiously

"They were discussing over which one but they were between this girl named Lauren and another which they got really excited but I don't remember her first name. Her last name though was Witters" he said and I've heard of that name before but I don't remember from what exactly

"Let's go and I hope I get to meet this Witters person" I said

"You and your flirting ways" he said

"Oh come on! Like you don't do it" I said shocked

"Yeah, but I haven't seen any of my type exactly" he said

"Which is?" I asked

"I don't know but I just haven't seen one that has given me the chills, get it?" He said

"Kind of but just saying we just started camp today" I said

"Yeah and I heard about a comotion on the dining area, what happened?" He asked

"I don't want to talk about that" I said

"Why? Because a girl stood up to you? I should've been there to see the action. I got to hand it to her but she was the first person to stand up to Bryce Anderson, most popular guy at school, quarterback star, top of the class, president and all that stuff" he said

"Yeah yeah whatever let's just go" I said and we left to the lake

When we reached the lake, we met with some of the guys to talk about the camp's tradition of the boys' group. It was a fun tradition in the first week of camp to be "prank week on girls" to make camp more interesting. Every year the pranks got worst because they started off as only toilet paper but now they have gotten it on the next level on throwing all their clothes outside, bed sheets or other stuff

"Ready for prank week?" I asked

"Of course" All of them said

"What are we going to do this year?" Zach asked

"I have a great idea" I said

After explaining the plan to all the boys, they agreed to it and we would start tonight

"And the king of pranks has just arrived today" Zach said bowing and I just started laughing hard

"I think that the water trampoline thing is over and there was going to be a poker game on one of the cabins, clearly boys vs girls so let's go" he added

"Yeah, let's go" I was definitely excited for this game of poker with girls


I hope you're liking it so far and hit that vote button while you can lol (: Thoughts on Bryce Anderson? What do you think will happen in this game of poker? 

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