Chapter 35

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[Mal's POV]

At midnight, I woke up. Ben had his arms wrapped around me. I couldn't help but think something bad was going to happen to I snuck out of our room and ran to his office. I rummaged through paperwork on his desk for the one that says I could give Auradon... Found it!

I rushed to the isle to find Uma and her crew waiting by the barrier. "How'd you know I'd be here?" I asked Uma as I stepped through the barrier. "Easy, that nightmare you had was from me. My plan was to get you here all along. Now, give me Auradon or Beasty Boy will get it!" She yelled. "Ben's not here, Uma! There's no reason to bring him into this!" She cackled.

"He's not here, yet...." I turned to find Hook leaving...where was he going? I gave Uma the papers, but she tore them up. "I've done this before, Mal, I'm not stupid!" "What do you want me to do then." I asked crossing my arms. "Bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand to give me Auradon, and you and Ben will walk out unharmed." I nodded and rushed to get out of the barrier. It turns out, that the barrier will let people leave if they are good. The barrier looks into your heart and tells you if you're good or not. If you are, you pass, if not, you get an electric shock.

[Ben's POV]

I woke up. I felt the pillow right next to mine to find it bare. I looked up and Mal wasn't there. "Mal?" I started. I frantically searched everywhere. I even when to the enchanted lake! She was nowhere in sight. I broke down on my knees and started to cry. My Queen, missing! "Hello, King Ben." I turned around to see a holographic version of Harry standing before me.

"What do you want Hook? I swear, if you've harmed Mal..." "We didn't...yet..." He chuckled. "Come to the Isle of the Lost before 2 A.M. if not, Mal dies!" He grabbed Mal and started beating her. "Mal!" I screamed. The hologram vanished. Without another thought, I got the VKs and we headed to the isle.

Harry met us there. "VKs, you go that way, and I'll go this way." I said. They nodded and we split up. Harry grabbed me. "I have a little surprise for you..." He gleamed. I panicked. He took me to a huge ship....Uma's ship...this was all too familiar. It was like this several years ago.

[Evie's POV]

We found Mal. She was weak. "Mal, what happened?" Jay asked while holding her. "I need the wand. Uma's going to do something bad to Ben and then probably to all of us..." We nodded and went to Uma's ship...well, Mal and I did. Jay and Carlos ran back to Auradon to get FG's wand.

[Carlos' POV]

Jay and I got the real wand. We didn't want to play anymore games with Uma, so we'll have to figure out a way to get it back. We rushed to Uma's ship. "Its really weird being back at the place that all this happened at years ago," I said to Evie who nodded. We saw Ben tied up. We all got together and started walking towards Uma's crew.

Author's note:

Ok, guys. Now, you can watch the video. 😊

[Jay's POV]

Mal gave Uma the wand. She freed Ben and we all raced back to Auradon. Mal cried into Ben's arms, he rubbed her back and tried to soothe the pain she was feeling.

[Mal's POV]

Ben carried me back to our room. He laid me in bed and closed the door. I cried silently, hoping he wouldn't notice that something was bothering me, but he knew me too well. "Mal, what's wrong?" I looked up into his loving brown eyes. "This is all my fault, Ben! If I gave the wand to Uma sooner, she wouldn't have harmed you..." "But she didn't harm me, Mal..." He said while shaking his head.

"Uma threatened to harm you..." "That's not the same thing, Mal...I'm fine and you're fine..." I snuggled into his arms. "Mal, none of this is your fault, I didn't believe in you like I should have." I cried more. "The dream came true, Ben..." I sniffed. Ben kissed my forehead. "Hey, it's ok..."

We laid down and held onto one another. "Goodnight, Mal," Ben said while kissing me one last time. "Ben?" I asked jumping up suddenly. "Yeah?" He asked while sitting up. "What if I have another dream that will end up coming true?" He pulled me into a hug. "Mal, that's not going to happen...this only happened because Uma was desperate for something and we gave it to her...I promised that I will protect you, and that's what I'm going to do..."

I snuggled into his side again and closed my eyes. "Goodnight, Ben..." "Goodnight, Mal..."

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