Chapter 21

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[Mal's POV]

I was playing with Christie at the Enchanted Lake when I heard something strange. I gave Christie to one of the guards that was forced to protect me because of Ben. "Guards, take Christie back, I'll be fine."

Jpeg, my favorite guard, stepped forward. "My Queen, King Ben says we are to watch you at all times." He bowed. "I know, but I'll only be a minute," I said dismissing them again. They nodded and left. Rustling came from behind a mulberry bush, so I slowly walked towards it.

"Hello?" I asked quietly. Three masked boys jumped out and grabbed me. "Hurry, before they come back!" The first boy whispered/yelled. "I'm trying..." The second boy said. "I've got her hands!" The final one gleamed. They carried me off to a nearby cliff where no one was in sight.

They dragged me towards the edge and attempted to push me off. "No, please..." I begged. As my feet fell off the edge, the boys were attacked. They let go of me and I grabbed onto the ledge. I couldn't see what was happening since I was dangling off a ledge.

"Mal!" I heard. I looked up to see my devoted husband reaching his hand out for mine. "Grab on!" I slowly reached my hand out for his, trying to be careful not to lose anymore balance. Once I was pulled up, Ben hugged me tightly. "Are you alright?" He asked shakily. "" I said in between breaths.

"What happened, Mal?" I was afraid to tell Ben, because I had this feeling that he was going to get mad, but I answered him anyway. "I heard a noise, gave Christie to the guards, dismissed them, got caught by three boys that tried to throw me off a cliff and you came to my rescue. I said panting. Ben's face soon became angry.

"You dismissed the guards!" "Only for a few minutes, Ben! And, how did you find me anyway?" "Evie and the others came to me." I was confused. Did they know I needed help? "Ben, I think we should get back home, they're probably worried about us." I said speedily walking away. Ben grabbed my arm.

"Not so fast, Mal...I had a feeling something like this would, I'm tripling the guards." "You said double the guards." "That was before this happened. Now, I'm having more guards protect you. And you will NOT have permission to dismiss them unless I say so."

"Ben, that's so not fair!" I said stomping my foot. "Too bad. I'm busy, and you need to be protected at all times. So, this works out." I stepped back and whispered a spell. "Release the understatement of another greeter, take me to somewhere quieter." I mumbled and vanished. The spell transported me to the library and I needed to be away from my husband right now. How could he do that! So not wicked!

[Evie's POV]

I was walking down the hallway with my sketchbook when I heard sniffling. It was coming from the slightly opened library doors, so I did some detective skills and entered. Mal was sitting on the sofa hugging her knees whilst crying. No one else was around, so I ran up to her.

"M, what's going on?" I asked worriedly. "Evie....Ben....and...t...then....I...I..." She was struggling with the words. "Just breathe, Mal." She took a deep breath and spoke softly. "Ben tripled the guards so I can't get away. I know he's worried about me, but come on! The guy can't spend FIVE minutes without worrying about the queen?"

I tried calming her down, but she was too riled up. She transported herself out of the library leaving me alone.

[Jay's POV]

I got the ring for Lonnie! (Pictured above) I literally sprinted for Lonnie's room where I found her drinking water. "Lonnie...there's..something I need to...ask you..." I said while panting. "Jay, are you ok?" She asked while holding my hand.

"Yeah, but I need to do this..." I got down on one knee and held the ring towards her finger. "Lonnie, I love you sooooo much and I want to be a part of your life and help raise this child....Lonnie, you're even more beautiful than the dresses you wear everyday. It would make me so happy to call you my wife and princess. Lonnie...."

She was crying at this point. "Will you marry me?" She nodded her head and kissed me. "I will, Jay!" I hugged her and kissed her. Success!

[Ben's POV]

I can't believe I did that. I made Mal upset. I mean, I want her protected, but I feel like I just made things worse. I searched the castle but couldn't find her. My mother was in the library reading a book called: Yip, Tip, And Rip. I walked up to her and sat next to her.

"Hey, Mom." She looked up cautiously. "Hey, Ben. Everything ok?" I groaned. "Not right now. I made Mal all mad because she almost died again and I saved her and then I put more guards on to watch her. And, she just hates me right now." I breahed out.

"Well, Ben, maybe you should be in her shoes for awhile. See what life was like for her." I hugged my mother. "Thanks, Mom." "No problem, Sweetie. Now, go get your girl." I smiled and rushed back to our bedroom.

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