Best Friends Are Helpful

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[Mal's POV]

A few days later, Christie and I were released from the hospital. Evie claimed she and Doug wanted to spend time with Christie, so they took her to their castle for a few days.

I got back to the bedroom in our castle and start to feel dizzy. I grabbed the door handle to the room and Ben notices. "Mal, you ok?" he asked worriedly. I don't answer him. Voices bellowed in the back of my head like a timed bomb that was going to explode within a few seconds. "Go back to the Isle, or suffer the consequences. Everyone and everything you love will be destroyed if you don't." I fall to the floor and black out.

[Ben's POV]

When Mal didn't answer me, I was very concerned. She didn't even look at me! I tried looking at her, but before I could see her eyes, she fell to the ground. Luckily, I caught her before she hit her head. I took her in the room and laid her on the bed.

I pulled a piece of her hair back behind her ear and decided to call Evie. The phone rang for several minutes and then went to voicemail. I hung up without leaving a message. I turned around when I heard a cry of pain.

Mal was sitting up with her hands in her head. I rushed to her and tried to calm her. "Mal, its ok. You're safe." She looked at me like she didn't believe me. I tried hugging her, but she pulled away. "Mal, it's me. Ben. Your husband." She looked deeply into my eyes and hugged me tightly.

I heard her crying hard. "I'm sorry, Ben." She sniffled into my jacket. "Mal, you don't have to be sorry. It's ok." I rubbed her back and she calmed down. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

She turned towards me suddenly. "I heard voices. They threatened to hurt everything I loved if I didn't go back to the Isle." She whimpered again into my arm and I hugged her. "Mal, you're not going anywhere. It'll be ok.

"Stay with me?" she whispered. "Forever and always." I kissed her and she went to sleep.

[Evie's POV]

I was having dinner with Doug and Christie when Doug tugged on my arm. "Eve, your phone's going off!" He said screaming at me. "It is?" I couldn't hear it, but Doug had very good ears. He could hear an eagle 12 miles away. I pulled out my apple phone (it was actually shaped like a red apple that my mom used to poison Snow White with).

Before I could answer it, the ringing stopped. I looked at the person who called and realized it was Ben. I tried dialing back, but nothing happened.

Doug poured me another glass of orange juice. "Who was it?" "Ben. But I couldn't get through as I dialed back." He shrugged. We took Christie to our room and went to bed.

[Mal's POV]

I was running through the woods. A blackbird attacked me. It crusted my hair and gave me piercing stabs on my arms. I fell to my knees and saw my mother standing at my feet. I looked up clueless of what she was doing here. "You disappoint me, Mal. You don't deserve to live." My mother waved her scepter, a green ball of energy went through my heart and I died.

I woke up screaming. Ben awoke frantically pulling me into his chest. "It's ok, babe. It was just a dream." He said softly. "It felt so real." I said crying into his chest. "I know." I started crying more which wasn't helping.

Ben rubbed my back and looked at me. "Mal, I'm right here. Nothing's going to take you away from me. I'm fine and you're fine." "What about Christie?" I cried frantically. "Christie's fine. Evie and Doug are taking good care of her."

"Ben, what if the dream comes true?" "It won't, because I'll be right here for you always. Now, go to sleep." I tried keeping my eyes open, but couldn't. My eyes fluttered and finally shut like a finished book.

[Ben's POV]

That scared me so much. Mal thought that the dream was going to come true, but we had to stay positive. After she went back to sleep, I kissed her head and found myself soon falling into a huge slumber.

I awoke a few hours later. Mal was still sleeping which was good. She had a rough night and needed rest. I looked at my phone and saw the time. 5:35. Mal stirred a little before waking up shocked. "Where am I?" She asked frantically.

I held her hand and calmed her. "Shh, it's ok, baby. Go back to sleep, you're ok." She held onto my arm and climbed on top of the pillows. "Mal, what're doing?" She held my arm tighter and looked at the covers. She must be scared of falling asleep. She was probably afraid she would have another nightmare.

"Mal, you're ok. Calm down." I whispered as I pulled her into my lap and rocked her. She stayed closer to me, afraid of the rest of the bed. I got up and went to the sofa. She calmed down a little bit, but still held onto me. "Babe, you need sleep. I'm right here for you. I'm not going to leave you." She let her walls down and fell asleep in my arms.

A little while later, I laid Mal back on the bed. I smoothed her purple hair out on the bed and watched her sleep. She seemed so peaceful. I called Carlos, Jay, and Evie to come to the bedroom so they could watch Mal while I worked.

Before they got there, Mal woke up calmly. "Ben," she groaned. "Don't leave me." "I'm sorry Babe, I really wish I could stay, but I have king stuff to attend to. Your friends should be coming, and then I'll be back later."

Carlos and Jay entered the room frantically breathing. " as..possible..." Carlos said with a pink smashed face. Jay punched him and told him to 'man up'. Carlos told me Evie couldn't be there because she was at home with Christie.

"Mal's sleeping, guys. She keeps wanting to go back to the Isle because she's getting threatened by voices in her head. Don't let her leave this room until I get back." They nodded in agreement. I kissed Mal's sleepy head before attending to a few meetings.

[Jay's POV]

Mal woke up an hour after Ben left the room. She was dazed and confused which was kinda cute. "Mal, we're here for you. Ben had to attend some meetings, but he'll be back in a while." Carlos told her. I patted her shoulder and comforted her.

[Mal's POV]

It had been 2 hours and I was worried about Ben. I couldn't help but feel like Jay and Carlos were lying to me. I remembered that there was a window in our bathroom so I could sneak out to the isle. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, so I would go alone. "Carlos, I'm going to get a glass of water, I'll be back. I said with a smile.

"No need, I got one right here." Jay slid by with a full glass in his hand. "Gee, thanks. You're a lifesaver." 'Not really,'  I mumbled. "Actually, I need to use the bathroom, I won't be long." Jay and Carlos nodded and I walked in fast. I locked the door and opened the window. Here goes nothing. It took me a few tries, but I made it out alive. I ran to the barrier and stepped through.

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