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[Ben's POV]

Gone. She was gone. I started crying, when I realized something. She's under so much stress! That's got to be it! I ran to Evie's room and knocked hurriedly on the door.

"Evie, I need to talk to you! Now!" I screamed. Evie opened the door scared, her cheeks becoming pale. "Evie, I didn't mean to yell at you, but, Mal's gone. I don't know where she went to. You're her best friend, will you help?" I asked desperately.

She nodded with silence and we went to get Jay and Carlos.

[Evie's POV]

We got to the boys and Ben caught them up on everything that had happened. "So, she just left without saying anything?" Carlos asked. Ben nodded with tears streaming down his face. "It makes no sense. She's my true love. Why would she leave?" I shrugged as we quickly drove to the Isle.

We figured she would probably try to go back sooner or later. We went to Mal's hideout, but couldn't find her. Jay and Carlos took the right side of town while Ben and I took the other side. We thought splitting up might increase our changes of finding Mal.

[Uma's POV]

Mal showed up at the tavern again. "Mal, Mal, Mal. You just don't listen do you?" I asked chuckling. "No, I don't. And for your information, my life is none of your business!" She sassed. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked while leaning my arm on the counter in curiosity.

"Ben doesn't love me anymore." She started tearing up. "He doesn't? Oh, well. Such a shame. You two were such a 'happy' couple." She grinned at me. "What do you mean?" "That whole 'love story' thing, never bought it for a second. I always knew you two were never meant to be. Now I can prove my theory!" I said cackling.

She jumped up for a second. "Wait, a minute. I thought I got rid of you and my mother!" She exclaimed. I giggled. "Your magic wasn't strong enough to hold us back. We were probably gone for an hour, then we returned." She stared in shock and ran outside.

[Mal's POV]

How? How could my magic fail me? Isn't it bad enough that Ben doesn't love me anymore, now my magic is unstable? Too many thoughts ran through my head. I ran back to my hideout to find Evie and Ben sitting on the rusted couch. "We came here when we got here, but you were gone. So, we waited until you came back." Evie said.

Tears started draining my face as Ben slowly approached me. Evie tapped on his shoulder. "I'll give you guys some space." Then, she left. Ben played with my hair. It was just like old times. But, I can't remember that at all. Ben doesn't love me! How can he love me?

He was 3 inches from my lips, but I pushed him back. "Ben, I can't do this." "Why, Mal?" He asked frightened. "You don't have to pretend with me. I know you so well that I can tell when you're pretending." "What am I pretending, Mal?" He asked, his voice starting to get anxious.

I looked straight into his beastly brown eyes. "I know you don't love me anymore, Ben. Just admit it." He touched my cheek. "Mal, of course I love you. You're my true love. You're the other half that makes my heart complete. Don't you know that?" I shook my head frightened.

Why doesn't he just come out with it already? He's putting me through more suffering! "Ben, I love you, but we can't be together..." I started to cry. He hugged me tightly. "Mal, we're meant to be, and you know it. Please, come back to me. Everyone misses you. Christie misses you....I miss you." I turned away thinking I would feel better if I avoided his sweet gaze.

He pulled me closer to him. "Ben, please go. You belong in Auradon." "So do you," he pleaded. "No, I don't. I can't be someone that I'm not." "Who did you think I would expect you to be, Mal?" I looked into his depressed eyes. "You always wanted a princess who would someday become queen."

"You were my princess, now you're a mother, my wife, and my queen." I shook my head in frustration. "I was never a princess. I was, and will always be a villain, Ben. You just have to accept that." He kissed my cheek. "I do accept it. I'm not trying to make you someone you're not. Please, come home, and we can work things out."

I pulled out my spell book and flipped through it's tattered pages.

"The ones I once held dear, can no longer make me swear. Send them back to their rightful places, where they are safest. Do not let them return for I block them away, do not let my magic go on for another day."

I looked at Ben who suddenly looked drained. I kissed his cheek as clouds of gray formed around him. "Goodbye, Ben. I love you." He then vanished. What have I done?

[Ben's POV]

Evie, Jay, Carlos and I were whisked back to Auradon. Jay got up from the floor and pulled us all up. "Where's Mal?" He asked. I turned away. "She's not coming back." "What do you mean?" Evie asked. "I saw you with her." "She thinks we're trying to make her somebody she's not. So, to get away from us, she sent us back here."

They all cried. We had our chance with Mal, and we blew it. I blew it. She was under pressure and claimed I didn't love her! Of course I love her! I ran to our bedroom and held my daughter who was sleeping. I cried when she opened her eyes. She reminded me of Mal. I couldn't take it!

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