Chapter 23

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[Evie's POV]

I was watching Christie when Ben came into the nursery frantically. "" He panted. "Ben, take it easy... What happened?" Ben had tears streaming down his face. "Mal's gone...she gave me this." Ben held out the wedding ring he gave to her. In a few moments, I felt like crying.

My best friend... Gone? "Ben, I'll help you get her back... Just tell me what to do..." Ben took a deep breath and told me everything that had happened. "Let's get the boys...they'll know what to do."

[Jay's POV]

Lonnie and I were eating dinner with Jane and Carlos when Evie and Ben rushed in. "Hey, guys!" Carlos screamed with joy. I punched his arm. "Ow!" I shook my head and laughed. "Jay, Carlos? We both need you right now." Evie said. Carlos and I said goodbye to our girlfriends and left with a hurry.

Ben and Evie got us all caught up. We set out on foot with a hurry to get to the isle. We all had this strange feeling that she was still somewhere around there.

[Uma's POV]

I was washing clothes when I heard a big splash. I took Harry Hook and Gil Gaston with me. "Gil, did you hear that?" I asked while he was biting his nails. "Yeah....spooky..." I groaned as Harry stepped back. "You two are a couple of babies." "Am not!" Harry yelled.

"Then, let's go!" I said dragging my sword out of it's sheath. We went to the edge of the isle. There was a purple haired girl gasping for air....Mal...I picked her up and gave her to Harry. "Gil, send a message to Auradon that we have the queen. This is gonna be good!" I gleamed.

[Ben's POV]

I drove the limo to the barrier. Carlos figured that we should just walk across and not draw to much attention. We hurried along to Mal's hideout, but she wasn't there. A note was left on the sofa. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Ben,
We have your little Mal...she washed up on the isle. Harry, Gil and I have taken her to her mother's fortress. If you want her back, give us Auradon! And no shenanigans this time! If you do anything like that, Mal's dead. Come before the clock strikes midnight.
Hatefully yours,

I showed the VKs the note. "We have to go now!" I yelled. They nodded and we set off for the fortress.

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