The Sacrifice

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[Ben's POV]

I sat down at my mahogany desk scattered with documents. I was really stressed. I wanted to spend time with my queen instead of filling out Redemption Code papers for Thrall (Aurora and Phillip's Palace). I hoped Mal was doing ok. She had been sick and I wanted to take care of her. If I wasn't there, she'd probably run off again.

Evie, Jay and Carlos bursted through the door. "Ben, you need to come with us." Evie said quietly. "Is everything alright? Is it about Mal?" They all stared at each other in confusion, then turned to me. "Yes. She's weak." I started bursting back to the bedroom when Carlos stopped me. "She's not in the room. She's gone back to the Isle."

"We have to get her back. Now!" I said yelling at them. "Come with us, Ben. She'll listen to you." Jay said with a hopeful smile. I nodded and we all climbed into the limo to get Mal back.

The three led me to a ruined fortress that looked to be centuries old. They led me into what seemed like a throne room where the Mistress of Evil sat upon a throne of thorns.

"Maleficent! How did you return?" "Uma, here helped." She said politely. "I came for Mal." I said nervously. "Oh, so you came willingly. What a gentleman you are, Your Highness." She said bowing to her knees.

"What do you mean, willingly?" I asked in fear. "Jay, Carlos and Evie were placed under a spell. I asked them to bring you here so we could make a deal." "What deal?" "You will give me your kingdom and Mal will be set free."

I was confused. Mal was here? Where? "Where is she?" I asked. "She'll be here soon." Maleficent motioned to Carlos and Jay and they returned their gaze with glowing red eyes like red wine. Evie came up to me and put me in chains. "Did you know that Mal has been receiving threats in her head?"

I nodded silently. "Those were from Uma. She did so well to help me." "What did you do to her?" Uma walked up to me and placed a hand under my chin. "I told her that if she didn't return to the Isle, you would die!" I couldn't believe it! Uma and Maleficent were taking control of Mal's mind and feelings. I know she did it for me, but she didn't tell me.

Carlos and Jay came back a few minutes later with a purple haired girl in a torn dress. My love. She looked like she had been beaten. Her face was red with tears and her arms and legs looked weak. She limped as Jay tugged on a chain that was connected to her hands. Carlos held her shoulders and let her fall on her knees.

"Mal..." I called out softly. She looked up in fear. "I'm sorry, Ben." They chained her to a pillar in the room and Maleficent held her magnificent scepter with pride. "Now, Ben. Give me the keys to your kingdom and I will release Mal, you, and your friends." "What if I don't?" I asked quietly. Maleficent pointed her scepter at my wife who was crying even more.

"She'll die!" That was all it took to get me angry and scared at the same time. "I'll give you my kingdom. Just don't hurt, Mal." Mal looked at me in fear. "Don't do it, Ben! She's playing you!" Mal screamed with all her might. Carlos taped her mouth and Evie slapped her. Mal fell down and cried silently.

"I have to do it!" I said boldly. "Maleficent, the kingdom's yours, now let us go." Maleficent held up her hand. "I don't see any documents that will allow me to take your kingdom." "You don't need any. Just go there and your wish will become a reality." "Excellent." She released Carlos, Evie and Jay from the spell and released me from my bonds. She still had Mal tied up though.

I ran to Mal and took the tape off her mouth and kissed her. "Ben, you can't do this." She stated. "And I couldn't let you die, Mal." I released Mal from the chains and held her. "Mal, you're going to be ok." She smiled a little. "Ben, I need my spell book, Evie has it. I ran to Evie who didn't even question, but handed me the floppy book.

I gave it to Mal and cradled her in my arms. She turned to a page and read aloud.

"The time has come for you to pass, you shall no longer complete an evil task. Take your evil and bury it well, descend into an all-blazing hell. Take the one you call daughter with you to die as well, now and forever, goodbye and farewell."

She finished off the last sentence and started crying. Maleficent vanished and so did Uma. Mal looked into my eyes and smiled. "I'm sorry I can't be with you anymore, Ben. I wanted to see our kids grow up and grow old with you and spend the rest of our lives together. But, I guess that's what fate does to you."

"What are you talking about, Mal?" I asked shakily. "Ben, I called a spell that would kill my mother and all those who followed her to become evil. But in order for it to work, I also had to give my life. Ben, I'm gonna die."

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