Chapter 20

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[Mal's POV]

I woke up to see Ben and Christie sleeping. I quickly got dressed and slipped out of the room. At least I could have some time to myself before I was to be watched again. I went to the Enchanted Lake and let my legs fall into the cool stream.

I sat upon the edge of the ruins and looked up at the rising sun. About 10 minutes later, I was greeted by my husband with a sudden hug. "Mal! Thank goodness you're alright!" I looked at Ben confused. "Of course I'm alright you big baby." His face turned into a quick worry rather than relief that was once planted on his face.

"Mal, I woke up this morning and couldn't find you. I thought I lost you." He said hugging me again. "Ben, I'm fine. See?" I said putting my hands down to my side happily. "You don't get it, Mal. I was worried sick. I should've known you'd go out somewhere when I wasn't looking, I should've had my guards around...."

I cut him off by kissing him. "Ben, I don't need protection all the time. Can you tell your guards to back off for awhile? Like, a week?" Or a year? I mumbled to myself. He sighed for a moment, pondering every possible thing that could go wrong with my plan.

"Ok," he said. "But, only for a week...then, I'm doubling the guards." He smiled. I groaned as he carried me back to our room.

[Carlos' POV]

Jane was watching 'Prettier Parties' when I walked into my room. "Hey, Jane. How did you get a key to my room?" I asked shyly. "Jay let me in." Darn. Jay will literally do anything for a cute girl. I sighed and sat next to her. "What season are you on?" I asked while looking at the TV.

"Season 6, episode 23. Maratha just found out she's pregnant with Billie Jean's baby!" She said hyped up. I laughed and watched the show with her.

Authors Note:

Just so you guys know, the show that Jane's watching is something I made up, in case you were wondering. Now, back to the story!

[Jay's POV]

Lonnie's due date was going to be coming up soon. Today, we are going to find out what she's having. She squeezed my hand as the doctor rubbed gel on her stomach. "Well, Lonnie. It looks like in 3 months, you both will be welcoming a son!" The doctor replied with joy.

A few minutes later, we were back in our room. "We're having a boy!" Lonnie screamed. I smiled and kissed her. "Jay, we're not even married and now I'm carrying your son." She said quietly. "Lonnie, if you really want to, we can get married. " I said while holding her hand.

"No we can't, you haven't even popped the question." I scratched the back of my neck. "Ok...Lonnie, do you want Fairy Godmother to make a room for the baby?" "What?" "You said, 'pop the question'. And, I did." I smiled.

"No, silly. To ask a girl to marry her, you get down on one knee, tell me how beautiful I am, and ask if you want me to marry you." I stared at her. "Um...ok...." I said scratching the back of my neck. I slowly got down on one knee..." please, please," I asked giving her puppy dog eyes.

"No!" She pulled away. "Too soon?" I asked scared. "No," she groaned. "There's no ring, Jay. Now, go buy one before you ask again." She said waving her hand to the door. I rushed out of the room and went to go buy a ring for Lonnie. This was going to be interesting.

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