Returning to the Isle

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Just to let you guys know, there will be some harm in this chapter. If that bothers you, please don't read it.

Completely edited

[Evie's POV]

I stopped by Mal and Ben's room on my way to see Doug. Ben was rubbing Mal's back as she was crying. I was so mad at Ben! How could he do that to her? I knocked on the door and got their attention.

"Ben, I need to talk to you, now!" I said, almost screaming. He turned to Mal and whispered to her. "I'll be right back..." Mal nodded still crying tears. As soon as Ben came out into the dimly lit hallway, I slapped him.

"Ow! Evie, what was that for?" He tried holding back the tears. "That's for hurting Mal! I thought you loved her!" "I do! I was trying to...ow!" I slapped him again. "Evie, let me speak." He said calmly.

With my hand ready, I listened to his side of the 'so called' story. "I did go all beast on her when she left Auradon for the Isle. She got upset and wouldn't see me for 3 minutes. 3 minutes, Evie! I tried comforting her and she's still a little upset. But I promise you, I wouldn't leave her. Ever."

I nodded and almost cried myself. I felt bad that I hit the King himself, but in my defense, it was for Mal's sake. I left and Ben went back in the room.

[Ben's POV]

After my talk with Evie, I went back into the bedroom to find it bare with no Mal. "Mal?" I called out several times, but no response followed. I looked in the closet, under the bed, even near the windows, but nothing.

I went in the bathroom and saw Mal on the ground. She showed me something I never thought she would ever do in my entire life that I've spent with her.

[Mal's POV]

When Ben left to go and talk with Evie, I felt so guilty. It wasn't helping that I was crying. So I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a knife. I cut several slits into my arms and let the blood flow out of them willingly.

I heard Ben call my name several times, but I just stayed silent. He finally stood at the doorway and I showed him my arms and placed the knife on the ground.

With my arms stained with blood, Ben picked me up and laid me on the bed. "Mal, why would you harm yourself?" He said asking me with his voice a little shaky. I turned my head in embarrassment.

"I felt so guilty, Ben. I can't make you happy, all I seem to be good at is making you hurt. It hurts me to do so, but there's no other way." "There is a way, Mal! Let me help you and we can see this through together."

I cried into Ben's arms as he bandaged up my wounds. There were going to be a few scars later, that was for certain. Ben cuddled with me in bed and I fell asleep.

[Jay's POV]

I walked to Mal and Ben's room. They were so cute sleeping together. Lonnie dropped by with kisses all over my face. "What's up, Jayden?" "Jayden?" I asked confusedly. "Are you dating someone else?" "No, silly. It's the nickname I gave you." I laughed as we walked down the hallway to our own room.

After I closed the doors, Lonnie ripped my shirt off and started kissing me passionately. It was awesome! We had a full make out session for at least 2 hours. I love my life, and I love Lonnie!

[Ben's POV]

I brought Christie from the nursery to our bedroom. She slept in my arms as I made my way to Mal. Mal looked really distressed and tired. I laid next to her while still holding our child.

"Mal, you ok?" I ask touching her cheek with one of my hands. She turned and looked at me. She could barely keep her eyes open. She was more pale than usual, which was concerning. I gave Christie to a servant so I can look more closely at Mal.

I must've scared her badly, because she shot right up. "Ben!" she screamed. "Mal, its ok. Shh, you're ok. Are you feeling ok?" She avoided my gaze. "Mal, I asked you a question." I said a bit more sternly.

"I'm fine, Ben." She said quickly under her breath. "Mal, I think you're sick. You don't look well." She wasn't listening. "Ben, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm fine, see." She tried standing up, but fell backwards in the process. I caught her and laid her back on the bed. "Mal, you aren't well."

She looked around the room and I saw a lightbulb appear over her head. "Oh, look at the time. Gotta get ready for school. Bye, Ben!" She tried getting up, but I held her down. "Mal, you are resting and not getting up for the he rest of the day." Mal gave me a pout face and I shrugged. "I just want you to get better." I kissed her head and closed the door carefully.

[Mal's POV]

I couldn't get any sleep. The voices were threatening me again, this time, worse.

"If you don't go back to the Isle in 3 days and stay there until the moon rises, Ben will die! You mustn't tell anyone your plan, it will cost you your life! Before you go, cut into your arm and spill 3 drops of your blood on your bed. This will allow you to forget the voices inside your head. Go now, or prepare for your fate!"

I woke up panting. Ben wasn't in the room, thankfully. I did what the voice told me to do. After I left the blood stains on my bed, I climbed out the window. I didn't want Ben to die, so this was for his own good. I made it to the barrier and passed through.

[Uma's POV]

"Is everything ready?" Maleficent asked me eagerly. "Yes, Mistress. It's all in motion. Soon, we will take over Auradon!" I cackled loudly. Maleficent slapped me. "That laugh was mine, Traitor!" I held my head with pity and rubbed my cheek that was in pain.

I couldn't wait to be out this stupid prison. We just had to patiently wait for someone. Mal stopped by. "Mal, you got here just in time!" Maleficent motioned. "Mom! What are you doing here?" "Uma brought me back. I hated being that spineless little reptile for over a year."

"Uma, I don't understand. Why are you doing this?" "Your mother and I want what's rightfully ours. You will allow us into Auradon where we take over the world!" "And what if I don't?" I smiled evilly. "Beasty boy will be dead." "You can't get to him!" She yelled at me. "You're right, but they can!"

I pointed to Evie, Jay and Carlos who were standing at the entrance to my mom's tavern. Their eyes glowed red. "VKs, will you please go fetch, the King?" "Yes, Uma." They replied without hesitation. I took Mal to her mother's fortress and locked her up. Now we just needed to wait for Ben to come.

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