Chapter 24

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[Uma's POV]

I was waiting at Maleficent's fortress when Gil came in. "Is it done?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Yes, Uma...I left it at the VKs hideout." He said pleased with himself. "You Rat! I told you to send the note to Auradon, not the VKs hideout!" I screamed in his face.

Harry dragged Mal in. Her body was unstable, she could barely meet my eyes. "You better hope that king of yours saves you." She looked at me with anger. "He'll never give you Auradon, Uma. Not after what happened last time." "He WILL if it was to save you!" I snickered.

I kicked her and she started coughing uncontrollably. "Harry, take her back to the dungeons, we'll bring her back out when Ben's actually here." I smiled. Harry dragged a frail Mal to the smelly and gloomy dungeons.

[Ben's POV]

We got to Maleficent's fortress before midnight just like the note said. Uma, Harry and Gil were waiting in the grand throne room. "Let's make this quick, Ben." Uma said while cupping my face. "Not until you give me Mal!" I yelled and pushed her away. Uma whistled to Gil and Harry to leave somewhere.

A few minutes later, Mal was being dragged against her will. She looked more unstable than she did when this situation had happened not long ago. I ran to her and held her in my arms. "Ben..." She tried to say but I stopped her by putting my finger to her lips. "Shh, Mal. Don't speak. You're weak." She tried looking at my eyes for a second, but then passed out. I checked to see if she still had a pulse or not. She did, but it was very weak.

Uma came up to me. "Now, give me Auradon." I nodded and placed Mal on the ground. I went to talk to Uma when Mal shot up. "Ben...." She called. Harry grabbed her and had a knife by her throat. "Don't you dare harm her, Hook!" I yelled. Uma pushed me. "Finish giving me Auradon or say goodbye to your queen." I turned to Mal. She was scared. I gave Uma what was needed and ran towards Mal.

Harry let go of her and she fell into my arms. "Mal, honey, you're going to be ok." I said weakly. She formed a weak smile and held my hand. "Thank you for everything, Ben. I'm glad I got to see you one last time...and everyone else. I just wish I could've seen Christie one last time." She stated. "Don't say that, Mal! You're going to live!" "Ben, I can't just come back to life anymore, it's too much." "Then, let me help. I'll get you back to Auradon where you'll be taken care of." "No! I can't let you." She kissed me and fell limp in my arms.

I turned to the other VKs weakly. "She's gone..." I cried. They all held her while I went to take care of Uma. "Why isn't she alive, Uma?" "Oh, we kinda hurt her before you got here." I grabbed Uma hard. "You hurt her! Give her back to me!" "!" She cackled. "I said I would give you Mal, I didn't say it was going to be a live Mal." She smiled.

I turned back to the VKs with tears. I rushed to Mal again. She was out cold. I held her and rocked her. "I'm so sorry, Mal...this is all my fault..." I cried.

[Evie's POV]

"We're so sorry, Ben..." I said as I held my head in pity for the king that had just lost his queen without her possibly coming back. He cried into her arms and didn't want to get up. Uma and her pirate crew went to Auradon. "Ben, we have to stop them..." "No! Let them take over Auradon! I don't care! I just want Mal back!" He said while crying even harder. Jay and Carlos comforted him.

[Jay's POV]

"Ben, I know you miss Mal...we do too....but people are going to die when Uma's crew gets to Auradon." I said while placing my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah," Carlos said.

Ben nodded and picked up Mal. "After we defeat Uma and her crew, I want a proper funeral for Mal. I want to say goodbye." We all nodded and raced to the limo to get back to Auradon where Uma was.

[Uma's POV]

"This is it, everyone!" I screamed loudly. This was our moment of victory, and I was going to cherish every moment of it! "The world will know my name!" "Yeah," Gil gleamed. "What's my name?" "Shrimpy!" Gil said while smiling confidently. Harry grabbed him and tossed him to the side. "Let's try again...what's my name?" "Uma!" My crew replied happily.

I looked at the people of Auradon running when we entered the gates. How I love causing evil! My crew members were off to either get people to join us or we captured them. I was so proud of myself. All that time under Maleficent's wing paid off. I realized I didn't need her, I could spread evil on Auradon on my own.

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