Sister Issues; Male VS Female Vampire

Start from the beginning

Braedey suddenly ran ahead. "Not on my watch, Moka!" He tackled the pinkette, and Kokoa flew past, kicking a line of trees in half like they were planks of wood.

"Wow. She's incredible!" Yukari commented.

"With strength like that, here's no question." Kurumu added. "She's an S-Class Monster. A vampire."

Kokoa starred to walk forward, her hand holding onto a large trunk of tree. "What's wrong with you?" She demanded from Moka. "Come on. Why won't you fight?" She held up the trunk, and stared to swing it down! "Lets do it like we used to!"

Everyone dove for cover, as the trunk slammed down, and they try to dodge the crazy redhead. Mizore, however, hid behind a tree nearby, watching from afar.

"What's this girls problem?" Kurumu asked out loud.

"She doesn't care what she destroys!" Yukari added, dodging another strike.

"Stop, Kokoa! No!" Moka pleaded, but to no avail, as Kokoa charged at her.

Braedey stepped ahead of her, his arms out. "I've got this, Moka." Then, he saw Kokoa with a table in hand. "Not today!" He jumped up, and kicked the table to pieces, making the redhead fall back in shock, but she didn't stop, as she kicked Braedey in the chest, and sending him into the ground.

"Braedey!" Moka cried.

Kokoa was about to attack again, but she then smelt something in the air: blood. She knelt down next to Braedey's knocked out form, and leaned in closer to his face, seeing the blood that on the side of his head. "I smelt this before. He smells so good." She was about to lick the blood off him when...

"What exactly are you trying to pull, huh?" Kurumu slapped her away with a nearby folded up table.

"Braedey, are you okay?" Moka asked in worry.

"There's blood on his face." Yukari added.

Moka then smelt the blood, and seemed to be in a trance. "Oh, that smell..." She said, catching Yukari off-guard. "I can't control myse-"

"Get it together, Moka!" Kurumu slapped her away with the table also.

"Well, it does show that they respond the same way to Braedey's blood." Yukari pointed out, a sweatdrop next to her head. "They're both sisters alright."

"You just had to get in my way?" Kokoa growled, stepping out of the wreck of chairs and tables. "If you're gonna interfere, then I guess I'll have to take you guys out as well."

'What am I gonna do?' Moka thought, as Kokoa made her way towards them. 'At this rate, she's gonna-'

"Hey, you!" A voice called. Everyone looked over, and saw the coach Kotsubo approaching. "Stop! What the hell is going on here?"

"Mr. Kotsubo?" Yukari asked in confusion.

"Man, I hate that guy." Mizore muttered, and hid behind the tree.

"Hold on. I recognise you." Kotsubo looked to Kokoa.

"She's the new First-Year." Ruby stated, seemingly appearing out of nowhere next to Kotsubo. "And your name is Kokoa Shuzen."

Braedey Martin: Robots and a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now