Sister Issues; Male VS Female Vampire

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But, who is that girl?" Kurumu thought about the redhead.

"Yeah." Braedey nodded. "It's like we've all run into her before."

"Actually, I know her." Moka spoke up, catching the others off-guard.

"Wait. You do?" Braedey asked. "Moka, who is she?"

Then, the door behind them opened ominously. "Her worst nightmare." A voice spoke, making Moka gasp in fright and fear. "It has been a really really long time, hasn't it, Moka?"

Everyone turned around, and saw it was the redhead girl standing at the door. "Whatcha think about all those letters I've sent? Did you manage to read them all?" Then, a small brown bat with slightly pink cheeks landed on her shoulder. "My little bat Kou-buddy here sent those to you."

"We're not gonna let you hurt Moka." Braedey declared.

"Everyone... run away." Moka stuttered, catching them off-guard.

Braedey looked at the pinkette. "But why?" He asked.

"Cause that girl..." Moka replied on disbelief and fear. "... she's my-"

"Well, I said I was gonna take your life, and now, it's time...." The redhead declared, Ponting at Moka. "...Big sister."

"WHAT?!" Everyone asked in shock, Braedey mostly.


"That girl... is your sister?" Braedey asked in shock. 'How come Moka hasn't told me about her before? He thought, and looked at the redhead. 'No wonder she looked almost like Moka. She has the same colour eyes.'

"You're telling me that First-Year student over there..." Yukari started.

"Is Moka's little sister?" Kurumu finished.

"Kokoa." Moka stuttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Kokoa?" Braedey asked. "So, that's your sister's name."

"Finally." Kokoa stated. "We're face to face. And guess what, Moka?" She pointed at the pinkette. "Now, I'm gonna wipe you off the face of the Earth!"

With that, she jumped up into the air, ready to strike, as she prepared to kick Moka. Moka ran forward suddenly. "Run, everyone!" She to them. "Hurry! Kokoa only came here for me!"

Braedey Martin: Robots and a VampireWhere stories live. Discover now