Chapter Twenty-Four: That Year

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Jesus fucking Christ.

"You play dirty, Jauregui," I remarked, shaking the lust of my body away which the older girl had induced in me. I turned around to find Lauren had been staring down at my ass. She still had a great obsession with it, even after all this time, she loved having it in her hands; always looking for a way to touch it or have it within her hands.

Lauren's eyes trailed up my body, frowning. "Which is why I am going to go get cleaned up." She walked away, grabbing the towel hanging on the back of her door and walked to her bathroom to take her shower. My eyes followed her every move, noticing how firm and perky her breasts were. "By the way, you look so much better without clothes. Such a shame..." She shook her head before she went inside and closed the door behind her.

I stared at the door for a full minute before blinking and turning away to finish gathering my things. She was going to be the death of me one of these days. It would either be good or it would be bad, depending on the circumstances.

I heard the door to the bathroom open.

"I'm so dumb, really I am. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Do you want to come to the beach with me and the rest of them? I know it's last minute and you probably have millions of other things you'd rather be doing, but I'd really like to hang out a little more. I promise to behave and there won't be any more hanky-panky for the time being."

I recoiled at her invitation to go. If it were particularly Alexa and Vero going, I would gladly agree as I had no other plans for the day but be home and binge watch Friends. However, with Lucy's involvement in the outing, it made things complicated and could cause discomfort for the both of us. I didn't like her and she didn't like me; plain and simple. There was no sugarcoating the truth. Lauren didn't know this. She was oblivious to it and she wouldn't know about it anytime soon. It was best for both parties if I refused her invitation.

"I don't know Lo. I wouldn't want to intrude on your time with your friends. I wouldn't feel okay going if the rest didn't agree to it."

"You're my friend too. You can't ruin it if you're a friend too. And if you know Alexa and Vero, then you're good. They wouldn't mind. They'd be happy to see you. I'm sure Lucy, you know too. I assume I would have brought her around when we first started out?"

I nodded to confirm her assumption. Yeah, Lucy and I knew each other very well. That is what I was afraid of. Not Alexa or Vero. They were such nice friends of Lauren.

"Of course I know them, Lauren. That's not my point." I said as Lauren said,

"Great. Then we'll go to your house and then we'll head over." She walked away, closing the door just to open it a few seconds later. "You didn't agree to go, did you?"

"No." I sighed.

"Please? I just don't want our time to be over yet."

How do you say no to an angel?

"Fine." I caved. Lauren was beaming when I agreed to go. If it meant she was happy, then I could make the sacrifice. If she got her memories back, I wanted her to think back and see that I didn't push her away, that I tried to make amends and make her happy.

"We're going to have lots of fun. Plus I get to see you in a bikini. That's a definite plus for me."


This was far from fun. From the moment we arrived at the beach to meet up with Lauren's friends, Lucy had been glaring at me whenever Lauren wasn't looking. Alexa and Vero were pleasantly surprised to see me and Lucy faked that she didn't mind my interference. I could see on Alexa and Vero's faces that they knew that was a bullshit lie. They also saw all of the glares Lucy sent my way. They took in everything that happened, absorbed by all the drama that was going on behind Lauren's back. We all knew the past, they knew Lauren and I had been together. They knew that Lauren had slept and used Lucy. They knew every single little detail. I wouldn't put it past Lauren to have held it back from them.

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