"Yes, so it's a yes. I will come to the mansion in the evening and we will meet there. Thank you so much, this means the world's all gummy bears to me." She smiled and before I could exchange a word, she ran away.

What the hell was that?

I entered in my black limo and soon we were on the road. It was a thirty minutes drive to home and a left turn and I'm in front of it. I couldn't control the bubbling happiness inside me as I entered inside the mansion.

"Finally, SSO jiju arrived." Sahil sang as he wrapped his tiny arms around my waist. Someone younger than Rudra was now at home.

"Sorry for being late." I apologized as I crouched down at the level of him.

"Not forgiven." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"What I have to do to get your forgiveness, master?" I asked pouting, something Anika used to do to get things she wanted always. She knew I can't resist that face.

"I think ice cream will work," Sahil said.

"Yes, sir." I bowed down to him and after ruffling his hair I went to the hall. The laughing sound of my family confirmed that they were having a get-together without me. How sweet of my family. They were so into the moment that they didn't even realize my presence.

My eyes met Anika who was laughing for something Rudra said. Her hair flying and falling on her eyes that I had urge to move it with my hand. Her smile lightening up my world but there was a hole in them. It had been a long time since I heard her laugh like that. The laughter slowed down and every pair of eyes stared at me.

"Shivaye," Anika said and I loved my name so much when it came out from her mouth.

"Anika," I said and cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you going to stand there without greeting your fiance?" She asked tilting her head and I hid a smile.

I went closer and gave her a side hug. She was close to me and that's only what I needed.

"Please, get a room." Rudra, Om, and Sahil said in unison in the monkey emoji way. Rudra kept the hands on his mouth, Om on the ears and little Sahil on the eyes.

Anika blushed and hid her face in my coat and I took her to my room. I frowned when I felt my shirt wet and then I realized that it was Anika's tears.

"What happened, Anika?" I asked as I made her sit on my bed.

"I'm okay." She shook her head and tried to smile but failed miserably.

"What's wrong?" I rubbed her hands to comfort her.

"I can't." She cried.

"I can't do it. Every time I try to forget and live, I fail. Why am the only one who can't move on from my father's death." She choked out and I wrapped my hands around her shoulder.

"It's okay, it happens. Not everyone is strong but you are the strongest person I have met. You survived when you came across the truth of Rohit. If you aren't strong then you wouldn't be here. Everything will be alright, trust me." I assured.

"Your family is amazing and  I feel awful for myself for my mind not being with them. All I could think is about dad." She slowly said and rested her head on my shoulder.

"It takes time, Anika. I'm sure my family understood. If there are troubling, then maybe we could stay in an apartment or something." I suggested and I would do anything for her.

"No, don't do something stupid like that and I will never forgive you." She smacked my chest and I scowled. "When I thought about last night I realized that a change will be good and that is why I didn't argue. I couldn't help myself and I have a feeling that your family will be the best to do so. With you, I'm sure that I can walk on thrones." She completed.

"Someone cheesy is motivating herself." I teased and the atmosphere is back to good again.

"After all, I'm the fiance of Mr.Shivaye Cheesy Singh Oberoi and I think I can survive Mrs.Cheesy." She winked and continued "Go change and I will bring the tray of tea here." She ordered and I chuckled as she made her way out of the room.

I took a ten minutes shower and changed into a black shirt and pants. I loved black and it was my favorite. After five minutes, Anika came back with a tray which has two cups, one is expresso and another normal coffee. There were also pancakes on it. From the burnt state of it, I can confirm Anika tried her hand in it.

"Don't stare at me like that. That stupid stove doesn't know anything. It is like it controls the heat on its own." She whined and sat beside me after placing the tray in the side table.

"Wow, so it's not the fault of you and it's of the stove. Great Anika, I think we have to get a new stove soon." I laughed and she threw a pillow on me.

I was about to throw another one and start a pillow fight but interpreting us there was a door knock.

"Yes, come in," I said and a waitress came inside.

"Sir, there is a girl downstairs asking for you." He said and Anika raised an eyebrow at me. I love it when she is being possessive.


"I don't know, sir, she said her name is Soumya." He reported and I groaned.

I completely forgot about that girl. We finished the tea and made our way to the hall. The whole family is present there.

"Hello sir, I'm here." She waved and I rolled my eyes internally.

She stood in the center and prepared herself. "Hello to Oberoi family." She greeted and before she could say anything she was cut off.

"What the hell are you doing here, Sumo?" Rudra burst in and Soumya was frozen.

"You..." She exclaimed.

"Yeah, Alex." Rudra grinned

"Alex?" The whole family echoed at the direction of Rudra. When did Rudra become Alex?

"Is there something that I'm missing, Rudra?" Dadi asked and narrowed her eyes between Rudra and Soumya.

"He tricked me," Soumya glared at him, ready to kill him.

"He tricked me," Soumya glared at him, ready to kill him

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