Chapter 21: The End!/ And a Authors note!

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Hammond stared at his mosquito amber walking stick, as he twirled it around and fidgeted with it in his hand, everyone remained quiet, it was so quiet, and they liked it like that. Toriel and Papyrus stared at Sans, he had a confused look on his face. He looked at the kids, and smiled, they were awake, but also still tired from their adventure, while looking back at them, with a pleasuring grin. Papyrus sat back in his seat and stared at Undyne and the pilot, who was still next to the him to investigate the badge. Alphys was sitting next to Hammond, admiring the stick. Toriel looked out the window, and the rest followed, including Hammond, slightly. Pelicans, they flew next to the chopper, peacfully, almost too peacfully. Sans smiled, and stared back at them, and then he turned to the pilot.

                                    "Take us home buddy, Take us home," Sans whispered. The chopper whizzed off into the dimming sun set, over the ocean blue, with only birds to admire. But you know what, Sans had realized something. Not all times it was better to be the astronaut, in terms, sometimes, it was better to be the astronomer, and Sans thought this well, too well.


Jurassic Park Orignal Ending *Credit to loui lena for the shot, and the movie Jurassic Park for the footage and movie!*:


OMG GUYS, After years of this idea I have FINALLY done it!  It took more then months to complete the plot, characters, jokes with my friends, and the details, but we did it! As of now, this book is officially completed, however, don't think this is the end. I will be writing some other EXTRA stuff on this, plus, go check out my new story Jurassic Tale: The Untold Story, as I write that. I will be trying to add more pictures and videos on there, and I will be editing some parts to the book to make it better. But as for now, this book is completed, and it is on to the next. Once again, thank you everyone for sky rocketing my story to about 90 veiws, and again, bricksrat, my first follower, and voter, on this story. If you guys want, I could do a Ask Jurassic Tale series to, just let me know by contacting me on the story or my account.  Stay tuned for some new extra bits to the added story, and until then, astalaveista!

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