Chapter 19: Raptor in the Kitchen/ Getting the power back on

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Sans was taking out a remighton, he clicked it back, and set is across his arm.

                                  "Two only? Are you sure?" Sans asked Toriel inside the shed. The only people not with them, were the people who died, and the kids.

                                  "I'm sure, the third one is contained, unless they figured out how to open doors," Toriel jocked. 

The raptors were right outside the door, the big one grabbed the handle, and started twisting it with her arm. The door slightly opened, but not fully, the big one lay against the door against her head. She tried pushing itopen, but no luck, and she then gave a hard push against it, finally pushing it open. It stared around the room, it could not tell where they were yet. But then it sniffed, and it caught they're sent. It went on its hind limbs, and looked directially upwards. It called out, it was loud and snarfy. With the addition of the screaching call back from the one behind, as it entered, the big one picked fun at her by biting at her "partners neck". It jumped back, scared a bit, but also humble enough not to fight, it hissed a returning screech. The kids were holding their breathe, how could they make it past this one? Muffet looked above the counter, and stared at the raptors. Right as the normal one snapped it's neck back, Muffet lowered her head. Frisk, who was in front, grabbed on, and pointed onto the next lane of arrays. 

                                 "O-ok," Muffet whispered. The three of them walked across the floor, leaving a muddy trail behind. The raptors were in the lane NEXT to them, they walked, as their foot steps became louder as they intercepted. When they did, the raptor stopped, and so did the kids, they layed motionless against the array of cabinets. The raptors continued slightly forward, it's toe claw clicking the ground, to create a irrating clink. The raptor looked across the counter, un able to see them, and so it continued. Monster kid sighed, grateful to be still alive. Frisk slapped Monster kid's arm, while they still continued. They were almost to the next array of cabinets, when the raptors tail flinged down the pots and pans onto the kids.

                                "AGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" They all screamed. They crawled faster, Muffet and Frisk had already made it, but Monster kid was slightly behind. He was stumbling, HURRY, his mind seemed to say. He could feel his heart thud, thud, thud, thud.

                               "RAAAAAAAAK!" the raptor called. It's head busted through the bucket below it, and searched around. Monster kid gasped, and was frozen still against the new array of spoons and forks and knives, that layed behind him. One move, and he was a goner, and he knew that. Luckily, the raptor retracted it's head and went on to the next row. Monster was just about to continue, when.

                              "DING!" something rang out. A huge sorta spoon had fallen off the sorted spoons, and forks and knives. It rang through the room, immediently catching the raptors attention. They turned both their heads toward the sound, and hissed, as they jogged over to the area. Muffet dragged Frisk, this time, around the corner, when one of the raptors jumped onto the counter, knocking down all the pots. 

                             "Hiiiiiiissssss," The raptor rang out. Its hisses caught Monster kid off gaurd, he couldn't go now, not anymore, too late. He crawled across to the other side, and hid there. At one point, Muffet and Frisk attemtped to lure Monster kid over, but he shook his head no. The raptors were getting close, too close, they licked the spoon, making a slurp sound. The Big one sniffed, and was about to poke it's head across to the other side, when it was distracted by another bang. Muffet was banging a spoon across the floor, catching their attention. The one on top jumped down to check out, while the big one looked around to see if any one was there. The big one looked directly ahead, she could see Muffet. She was trying to close a small cabneit, but it was stuck, she was trying to rush it. She made a crying emotion, as the big one snared its teeth outward. It stuck it's head backward, as the other raptor watched, she charged, at full throtle force. Ting , ting, ting, ting, the rings off the feet and the screechs of the raptor caught Muffet off gaurd. She was even more scared, tyring desperatlly to pull it down, or so the big one thought. She rammed into what she thought was Muffet, when actully was just a reflection of her, sideways to the cabneit she ramned into.

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