Chapter 3: From one pal, to another

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 The drivers slowly jumped into the front car seat. The cars started rolling down the trail slowly. Then picked up pace. Sans, who was in the front, started to push and pull to the back seat where Hammond stayed. Hammond had a brilliant smile on his face, and was looking around the scenery.

"Hey Hammond...," Sans stated.

"Why hello there sans! Is something the matter?" Hammond asked.

"Nothing, yet, i'm just warning you," Sans replied.

"About what?" Hammond stated, still with a pleasant tone.

"You say you had problems with the "creatures" at your park?" Sans said.

"Nothing major...just some incidents between the couple animals during transportation," Hammond replied, with a slightly less giddy tone.

"If that's so...I want to make sure nothing AT ALL happens during our stay here, particularly my brother," Sans said in a deeper voice. His right eye turned dark blue. His smile seemed to be a figure of the past.

"If one of those "things" HURTS my brother, You can hide wherever, or whenever you want, but I. WILL. FIND. YOU.," Sans warned. Hammond looked right back at Sans.

"Now that's something interesting...but when you see these creatures, I doubt that statement will hold up," Hammond replied, laying back. Sans's blue eye disappeared, and his smile rejuvenated.

"I like your confidence John," Sans stated, going back to his seat.


The cars reached a green valley, the trees were scattered to the sides and grass filled the entire patch of land. The cars drove forward slowly now as the drivers looked back at each other in the cars.

"Stop right here!" Hammond instructed the driver. The car forcefully stopped, along with the car in the back. Causing everyone in front to to lean forward.

"I want them to see for themselves," Hammond said in happy tone. His smile was bigger then ever now. Sans was the first to notice the stop as he looked around.

"Uhhh...John..why did we?" Sans started. He looked to his right. His jaw dropped down. He slowly got up staring in awe for what was infront of him. He was awestruck. He didn't bother informing the others.

"Oh my gosh! Mr. John Hammond! These types of bugs never existed since the Cenozoic period!" Alphys stated, looking down at a small bug in her hands. She was so amazed at the bug she didn't stutter. Sans slowly lowered his arm to Alphys. He grabbed her shoulder and twisted it to his direction.

"I m-mean how did you manage to get bugs like these l-like-" Alphys stuttered again. She quickly looked toward the direction Sans wished to show her.

"What is it?-" Alphys started as well. Then she saw it too. She slowly took off the shades she was wearing and got up. Her jaw dropped lower than Sans. Frisk looked in unison with Alphys, and was now awe struck to. She grabbed Toriel's sleeve and pulled.

"What is it my chi-" Toriel ALSO started. She then looked up at the thing in front of her. She rose up and rubbed her eyes.

"WOWIE! Could such a huge place conta-" Papyrus stated, looking at the map. When he saw that everyone else was looking one way with dropped jaws.

"Hey Undyne! I feel like everyone else is looking at something!" Papyrus joyfully said.

"Well then what are the-" Undyne said. She also looked up, along with Papyrus. Undyne and Papyrus slowly got up. With the same expressions as their friends.

"," Papyrus said in a lower voice. By now, everyone had noticed the creature. What lay in front of all of them was a huge beast. It had scaly skin, a long neck, big legs, and a chubby body. What they were looking at...was a dinosaur.

"Oh my gosh," Sans said out loud, as he jumped out of the decorative car. He started jogging to the beast. Alphys followed. Their expression staying on their faces.

"Tha-That's a Brach-Brachiosaurus!" Alphys exclaimed in awe.

"A herbivorous creature living in Late Jurassic," Sans followed.

"It grew up to 88 tons!" Alphys exclaimed again.

"And had a neck up to 50 feet!" Sans also exclaimed. Hammond jumped out of the car, as well, and started to chuckle again. As he walked towards the two. Papyrus raced right behind Hammond. Frisk swiftly ran in unison to the four, followed by Toriel. Undyne was so startled, she stayed back.

"Tha-That's a dinosaur!" Papyrus shouted.

"YOU HAVE DINOSAURS?!" Toriel shouted in unison, and confusion.

"Why yes we do," Hammond replied. Frisk looked right at Hammond. Then, she slowly fell over. Mimicking a faint.

"How fast are they?" Sans whispered to Hammond.

"Well the T-rex, we clocked, was about 45 mps," Hammond said in a, similar, joyful tone. Alphys looked right at Hammond.

"T-T-rex...Y-You said T-T-rex?!" Alphys said in astonishment.

"Why yes! We have a T-rex!" Hammond stated.

"T-REX?!" Sans yelled.

"We have a T-rex!" Hammond yelled in amazement with Sans. Sans started feeling dizzy immediately and fell, hard, down to the ground. He put his hands on his head. Unable to believe what was happening!

"BROTHER!" Papyrus yelled running over to comfort him. Hammond slowly walked to the edge of the hill side. Smiling, as if this was all planned. He looked backwards to tell everyone something.

"I think you might wanna see this," Hammond said to them all. Everyone looked out, Sans slowly turned his head to the sight down below the hill.

" Jurassic Park!" Hammond said in a confident tone. The words rang through Sans ears. As he gazed down. More of the incredible creatures were there by a humongous bog. Parasaurolophus and Edmontosaurus lay in the goop. More Brachiosaurus stood there, still as an artist's work. This time, Sans eyes seemed to glitter. His expression was blank, then he made a quick smile.

"So they do move in herds...," Sans said. His smile reappeared again. A soft breeze of wind fluttered through the trees, making a crisp crunching sound.

"So how'd you do this?" Undyne said, finally catching up with everyone.

"I'll show you...," Hammond whispered. The wind seemed to increase, as the drivers looked back at each other.

"I told ya!," The driver up front shouted.

"Heh you're right...I owe you a dollar," The driver back said. The breeze started to die down.

"Ugh finally! I thought that wind would ruin the day!" The driver stated. And oh boy, was it about to ruin something.

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