Chapter 15: Hold on to your butts

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                                         "I'm thirsty, i'm hungry, i'm dirty," Monster kid complained. Sans, Muffet, Monster kid, and Frisk were walking up a green hill. They were tired, and a bit drowsy from their new wake up call, but other then that, they were fine.

                                         "Your telling me, I could really go for a cheese burger right now," Muffet added in.

                                         "Your making me hungry, just don't mention any food yo," Monster kid replied.

                                         "Are we almost there? It's been hours," Muffet asked Sans. Frisk was heaving as she tried to walk up the hill, while Sans looked to be in good shape.

                                         "We should be reaching the top, just over...this," Sans started. They had reached the top, but something was off, he could here a array of feet clapping together, and small bird calls.

                                         "Kids, get ready," Sans warned. They stood and looked out, but soon they came to realize, it was just a flock of small dinosaurus. They were orange, with a tanish white of the underbelly, they moved quick and fast, and they looked to be hundreds.

                                         "Wow, Gallimimus! I love the way they run so fast! It's super sweet yo," Monster kid exclaimed.

                                         "Judging by your attitude, these are plant eaters, right Sans?" Muffet asked.

                                         "Correct, they come from Mongolia, and they lived in the realitive time of the raptors," Sans explained.

                                         "Cool! When do we get to see them?" Monster kid asked. Frisk looked over joyed, and tugged Sans shurt also pondering the same question.

                                         "Oh we're not going to see them, I think we had enough dinosaur drama," Sans answered.

                                         "I just want to go home," Muffet added.

                                         "Hey Monster kid, do you know what they are doing?" Sans asked.

                                         "Uhhhh yeah! I think it's called a stampede," 

                                         "Correct, and what is a group of dinosaurs running like this called?" Sans asked. Monster kid looked down, almost thinking the answer would be there. His head popped up then, and he looked excited.

                                         "A flock?"

                                         "Correct, you really do know your dinosaurs," Sans told him.

                                         "I mean look at this! They're running just like a flock of birds, and the pattern is almost-," Sans started. Frisk started tugging his shirt, and pointing out. And when Muffet looked, she saw something they weren't.

                                         "Hey guys, they're flocking this way," Muffet told them. As soon as she said that, Sans looked out, and he realized they were. Muffet immediently grabbed Frisk, followed by Monster kid, and being the last one off, Sans.

                                         "Run faster!!" Monster kid shouted. The gallimimus started running at them, and as the four of them went slower, the dinosaurs went faster. They ran around them, but if they stayed for a while, they might be trampled. Sans looked ahead, to see a fallen trunk of a tree, he dashed infront of the four of them and grabbed their hands. He swiftly jumped over the log and hid under it with the kids. The dinosaurs jumped right over and ran out into a grassy feild. The four of them then went back behind the trunk to see the dinosaurs. 

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