Sneak Peak at Jurassic Tale: The Untold Story

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* A/N: This is a sneak peak for the next book i'm writing, since I finished Jurassic Tale, anyway, here we are, keep in mind this referances to the first scene in The Lost World Jurassic Park*

It was a island, an island the people had come across, rich ones. A small family of three, and a lot of servers, butlers, even make up artists, had came across a very inducing island. Trees made a jungle in the distance, almost a sorta mist covered the island.

                                "Good place to stop," said the mother. She was on top of the balcany of the yacht on the ocean blue, they stopped some where near the shore. They had set up a small dining area on the sand, while they also continued to set up for lunch. The little girl, who was her daughter, skidded and skipped across the softy sand beach, running away form the dining area.

                                "Cathy Darling! You can't go run off like this," The mother instructed her.

                                "But mom! I want to explore! I really do!" Cathy shouted back.

                                "Sweety please! You'll get sand in your feet, or your nails!" the mother continued to warn. The father was reading a New York Times, where it read a story about monster and human peace anniversary. He looked up and turned to the mother, staring at her.

                               "For the last time Deatride, leave her alone," the father told her.

                               "Mommy stop! I can handle myself!" Cathy shouted back.

                               "But Cathy! No wait don't run off!" Deatride shouted at her. It was too late, she had ran off into the sandy beach, that lay infront of her. Deatride turned to the father, and started walking towards him.

                               "Sweety, you think there are snakes? I feel there are snakes," Deatride asked the father. He turned to her again from his times news paper.

                               "Snakes don't live on a beach Deatride, just let her run off, last chance she has to before we leave back," the father told her. Cathy continued to skip across the sand, barefoot, as she also steeped into the cold blue water. It was fridged, they should really warm this place up, she thought. She stopped at a sandy area before being stopped, by a shaking in the brush. She turned to it, a green fern shook, as she looked over. She stepped closer, and out came a small animal, it was slightly green, but kinda scaly. It was more dark green at the face, and it stood up wright on it's hind legs. She looked down at the feet, three toed, she thought of birds, a new bird? 

                             "Hello there little guy! You want some food," Cathy inticed. She held out a sandwich to the small creature, it looked at it, and turned it's head to her.

                             "It's roast beef, you want some?" Cathy asked the creature. The thing jumped forward, and snipped off some of the sandwich, and gulped it whole. She smiled, a small thing to play with and feed, she had to tell her mom and dad!

                            "MOMMY, DADDY, I FOUND SOMETHING!" Cathy shouted. She turned back, but then looked a bit worried, she could see more of them jumping from the ferns, as they jumped toward her. They screeched at her, and she made a small scream. The food was almost ready, just barely. Deatride walked forward and looked for Cathy, no sign.

                            "Cathy darling! Lunch is ready!" Deatride shouted. Cathy was surrounded by these small animals, they surrouded her feet as they jumped upward and tried to nip her sandwich.

                            "Are you hungry? I got some more-AH!" Cathy exclaimed. One of the compys jumped forward at her side, and ripped up some of her shirt. She threw down a bit of the sandwich at the creatures, they fed on that bit. However, the others continued to follow her, as they jumped up onto her, and started nipping. The screaming ran out, she was yelling and screeching in pain, Deatride looked horribly worried, and even all the butlers and people looked. The father threw down the paper and looked forward.

                            "Cathy?!" the father shouted. He started running forward, including the other people, as Deatride followed last of them all.

                            "CATHY WE'RE COMING!" Deatride shouted. She ran forward, when everyone stopped, she could see her child, ripped from the biting, as blood surrounded her completly. She dropped her hat and opened her mouth and finally.


*A/N: It's me again! So this is a sneak peak of the next book in the series, if you want to read it, it's already open for views with it's first chapter! I will post the URL down below, in the mean time, i'll see you later! BYE!*

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