Perfect - 12

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Hey, Guys! Here is my first 12th Doctor imagine requested by Sophie_moonlight . I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to do, but please tell me what you think. Hope you enjoy!

Request: 12 noticed that The Reader isn't smiling like she used to.

Outfit above


Back straight, head up, don't slouch. 

Your Mother's words ran around your head, seeping into every last crevice. She had drilled it into your brain almost every moment of your childhood. If you went as far as looking at your feet, she would be right onto it, snapping at you to lift your head up. 

Even now that you weren't living with her, her words continued to haunt you every day. If you realised you were slouching, it was her words that caused you to straighten your back. 

When the Doctor turned up one day at your parent's house, the back of his coat half burnt and demanding he sees (Y/N). You could see the look on your mother's face. The look when she turned around and looked at you was etched into your memory forever.

You loved him. He was like a father to you. He took you from a household that kept pushing you under the water and would bring you up just long enough to take a breath before pushing you back down again. He took you from your own personal hell and showed you the stars.

But every time he looked at you, you would see your mothers face and you couldn't help but look away.

"(Y/N)" You heard your name being said from the doorway.

You looked up at the grey-haired man you had grown to love so much and forced a fake smile.

You saw his face sink when he saw it. He had known you for so long that he could tell immediately that it was fake. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing." You lied, "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I can tell when you're fine and that is not now." He looked directly at you, his gaze didn't waver - it hardly moved from your face. 

"(Y/N)" He pleaded. "Talk to me."

You pulled your gaze from his face. All you could see was your mother, staring at you with nothing but disappointment and anger in her eyes. 

"It's complicated." You said, looking down at your feet. 

"You're standing in a time machine that is bigger on the inside. Whatever it is, it can't be more complicated than that." 

You laughed. He always had the power to make you laugh in the most serious of situations.

"It's my Mum." You said simply.

"Wow, that's specific." He said sarcastically. "What about her?"

"She doesn't like you." 

"Mmmm, that I do know. Do you remember her face when she first saw me? I thought she must have seen an alien." The Doctor said.

"She did."

"Yeah, yeah." He laughed. 

"Don't take it personally, she doesn't like anybody." You said. "Not even her own family."

"Now, we're getting somewhere." He added, gesturing for you to continue. 

"I was the only daughter in a family of four boys. Mum was a bit... controlling. Her daughter had to be perfect, exactly like her. My whole life, she has been controlling what I do. Whether it is who my friends are or how I hold myself. But the thing is, I don't want to be like her. I don't want to be perfect. I just want to be able to do something without hearing her disapproving voice in my head."

"Then do that." The Doctor said. "Is she here right now? If she is then I can't see her." 

"It's not that easy." You said, looking at him.

"But it is. You are your own person. Your not a child anymore, (Y/N). You are in charge of your own life, it's not up to her what you do - you do what you want to do. What is it that you humans say?" He asked, trying to grasp the word.

"Carpe diem?" 

"Exactly. Seize the day! Make your life yours." 

You were smiling now, directly at The Doctor. This time you didn't see your mothers face or hear your mothers voice. You only saw his face and heard his words:

Make your life yours.

"Thank you. " You said, wrapping your arms around him. His body froze up and his arms stayed still in the air.

"You know I'm not a hugging person."

 "yeah, yeah." You said, unwrapping your arms and smiling at him. "But seriously, thank you."

"Not a problem. We've got a time machine if you want to go back in time and mess with your mother." 

"You're so childish." You laughed, giving him a shove.

"Ah, come on (Y/N). You know you want to."

"Alright," you agreed. 

"I heard this great one - you know Jack, right? Well, he used his Vortex Manipulator to go back and mess with his friend Gwen. He kept going around and throwing food at her from a distance. He reckons that for three weeks straight he just kept belting her with mashed up potatoes and spaghetti." 

You listened to your friend drone on about things you could do to your mother. You smiled at him as he pulled the Tardis lever.

Make your life yours. 


There you go! I hope you enjoyed, if you did, feel free to vote, comment or share.

Just a reminder, that requests are still closed. If I can get a few of my current ones out in the following weeks, I might be able to open them up again. So keep posted for that.

Until next time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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