Lesson -10

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Hey Guys, here is a request from PurpleHeedPhones. I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think.

Request: Can you do an imagine where the doctor is teaching you to fly the TARDIS and you do something wrong and he gets really pissed and whilst you're arguing he says something really hurtful and mean, and you're really hurt and storm off and when he sees you crying he feels really bad and regrets it and has to make it up to you??

See outfit above.

You whizzed around the control panel, pressing buttons left right and centre. The Doctor watching - agitated - from the sidelines. Every time you flicked a switched or pressed a button he flinched, hoping that it was the right one. And if it wasn't, nothing too serious would happen.

You had done pretty well so far, only making a few small mistakes here and there. You were pretty proud of yourself, not many people could learn to fly a TARDIS in a day. But that didn't stop the Doctor from worrying.

Your mind raced, trying to think of what to do next, was it the break or the checking the vortex energy reading? You raked you mind, trying to remember the right answer before deciding to pull the breaks.

Wrong choice.

The TARDIS came to a sudden stop, sending both you and the Doctor to the floor. The sound of the crash rang trough out the control room. You cursed to yourself. You had been doing well until this.

"What the hell were you thinking, (Y/N)?!" The Doctor shouted, "the breaks?!?" Anger was clear in his voice. He was not going to let this go easily.

"I thought that was what I needed to do!" You retaliated. ""I've only been flying it for a day!"

"I shouldn't have let you fly it at all!" He was walking around the control panel, flicking switches trying to stabilize the TARDIS. He was so angry you could almost see the steam coming off of him.

"That's complete crap!" You shouted, "We both agreed it was a good idea for me to learn how to fly it! It's not my fault you're on edge every time you're not in control."

"Yeah? Well it's not my fault that you can't do anything right! Every time something goes wrong it's always your fault." You heard the words come out of his mouth before his mind could think it through. Instant regret started to cover his face. But you didn't care. What right did he have to say that?

You raised your eyebrow at him. "So that's what you think of me, huh?" you said before storming out, off to the place you always went when you were angry or upset. Or in this case-both.

"(Y/N)" The Doctor said. "I didn't-"

"Don't bother" You cut him off, making your way to the library. This was the most hurtful thing he had ever said to you. There was no way you were going to forgive him that easily.

------- Doctor's POV ------

An hour had passed since he said it. The look on her face when it slipped out of his mouth, it made him wince just thinking about it. He had regretted it the moment he had said it, wishing he could take it back.

He knew where she would be. Where she always was when she was sad or upset or angry.

The Library.

Something about the smell of the old books must calm her down. Hopefully it did. He really hoped she was calm. He entered the room, looking around in search for his companion. She was always in one of the navy chairs, her grey throw blanket covering her legs.

He eventually found her, curdled up in a chair with a large looking book displayed across her legs. She must have heard him coming because she looked up at him. She had definitely been crying, tear marks covered her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." Were the first words to come out of his mouth.

Silence. She looked back down at her book.

"I shouldn't have said that."

"Yeah, thanks." She said, bluntly. Not even looking up at him.

"It was wrong, hurting you is the last thing I would want to do." He meant every word he said. Hurting her was almost like hurting himself twice as bad.

"Then why did you say it?" She asked, her voice strained.

"I was angry. I never mean half the things I say when I'm angry." It was no excuse, just the truth. He wasn't going to lie to her.

She slammed the book shut and looked up at him. Her eyes were wet, just touched with tears. She was still angry, something he didn't think was going to change for a little while. He would have to make it up to her.

"How can I make it up to you?" He said, a slight smile touching his lips. She took a breath in before answering.

"I've always wanted to meet Shakespeare..." She said, a slight smile appearing on her face too.

He laughed before taking her hand a walking to the control room.

There you go! I hope you enjoyed it! It was really fun to write so be sure to tell me what you think. If you liked it, feel free to vote, comment or share. And remember, requests are always open!

Until next time, mes amis.

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