Secrets - Part Three - 11

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Here is the final part my lovelies...


The Doctor bounced into the room, a large grin on his face. "You hacked into their software then?" 

"I believe I sold it to them." Said Maldovar, typing away at the keyboard. 

"Ooh, so what have we learnt?"

"That anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake." Madame Vastra said. You saw the confused look the Doctor gave her as he turned around.


"The words of an old friend who once found me in the London Underground, attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocent tunnel diggers." She said, watching him walk around the room.

"Well, you were very cross at the time."

"As you were today," You piped up. 

"I have a question - a simple one. Is Melody human?" Madame Vastra said. You bit your tongue. You wanted to tell them everything, you always had. But the words of your mother kept running through your head. It's not time.

"Sorry, what?" The Doctor asked. "Of course she is. Completely human. What are you talking about?"

"They've been scanning her since she was born," Maldovar said, bring up an image of a DNA strand. "And I think they found what they were looking for."

"Human DNA." The Doctor said, walking towards the computer.

"Look closer," you said, walking towards him. "Human Plus Timelord."

"But she's human. She's Amy and Rory's daughter." The Doctor argued.

"I know about your people." You said. "They became what they did by prolonged exposure to the time vortex, the untempered schism." 

"Over billions of years, it didn't just happen." 

"So how close is she?" Madame Vastra asked. "Could she even regenerate." 

"No, no." He said, shaking his head. "I don't think so."

"You don't sound too sure. " The Doctor looked at you. He knew you were right. 

"Because I don't understand how this happened." He walked up to you until he was only centimetres between the two of you.

"Which leads me to ask, when did this happen?" The Doctor turned to Madame Vastra.


"Ugh! I am trying to be delicate.  I know how you can blush. When did this baby... begin?" Madame Vastra said, a bit uncomfortably. 

"Oh, you mean." The Doctor looked away.


"Well, how would I know? That's all humany, private stuff, it just sort of goes on. They don't put up a balloon or anything. " He said, beginning to walk into the corridor, away from the conversation.

"But could have the child begun on the TARDIS, in flight, in the vortex?" 

The Doctor turned back around to face her. "No. No! Impossible! It's all running around, sexy fish vampires and blowing stuff up. And Rory wasn't even there in the beginning. Then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic, then I had to reboot the whole universe - long story. So, technically, the first time they were on the TARDIS together, in this version of reality was on their-"

"On their what?" You asked.

"On their wedding night." He said, gulping. "It doesn't make sense you can't just cook yourself a Timelord!"

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