Bad News - 11

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Hey guys, here is just a little idea I came up with and thought it would make a good imagine. Heads up, this is pretty short.

See above for outfit.

Warning: Includes death of a family member. I have done your sister here but if you don't have one you can just pretend you do.

Imagine: You get a call from your parents telling you that your sister has passed away and then The Doctor finds you and comforts you.


After years of learning how to use chop sticks, you had practically mastered the art. The Doctor, on the other hand had not. He tried and tried again to get the slice of tofu from the paper box into his mouth, but every time he failed, sending you into a fit of hysterics.

He tried again lifting the same slice of tofu, it made its way up and the doctor dangled it just above his face. But just as he was about to lower it into his mouth, it slipped and fell, leaving a smear of hoi sin sauce on the side of his face.

You burst out laughing, nearly choking on the noodles you were eating. You could hear The Doctor start to laugh too at his own mishap. It was moments like this you loved sharing with The Doctor. The moments were you didn't need to worry about a planet exploding.

Your phone vibrated in the pocket of your black jeans. Putting the noodle box down you reached into your pocket and grabbed it. "I better take this," you told The Doctor still laughing, "It's my mum."

You walked out into the hall of the Tardis and accepted the call. "Hi Mum, how are you?" The voice of your mother came down the other end, but this wasn't the happy and laughing woman you knew. This woman was crying, something you had never heard your mum do. "Mum, ar-are you okay?"

"(Y/N), I-it's (Y/S/N)." Your mother cried. Your heart stopped beating, this was not happening. This was not happening.

"What about her?" You almost didn't want to ask.

"She was in a-a car accident-" Your mother was still crying. "She didn't make it." She managed to get through.

Inside, you could feel little shards of ice forming in your blood. They started to move, freezing your cells together one by one. They travelled around your body, turning every last drop of blood to ice. One move, and you would shatter.

"No," you said. "It's not true. I saw her only yesterday, she was fine." Your words had to force their way up your throat. "I can't-" you said before hanging up. You put your hands around yourself and leant against the wall, not able to hold yourself up anymore.

"(Y/N)?" You heard The Doctor ask from around the corner, "(Y/N), is everything okay?" The Doctor turned and saw you against the wall. His face softened as he walked towards you and immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards him.

"(Y/N)," he said, his arms tight around you. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" You didn't reply, just leaned against him. "(Y/N)?"

"It's (Y/S/N)..." You cried. He knew what came next without you having to say it. There was only one thing that would get you this upset. "She's gone." You finished,

"Oh, (Y/N)." He said. He pulled your hair out of your face and planted a kiss to your forehead. You were so close to your sister, he couldn't imagine anything worse happening to you.

You leaned against him. "I'm not ready for this." You mumbled against his chest. You had no idea how you were going do this without her, if you could do this without her. There was only one person you loved just as much as you loved your sister and he currently had his arms around you.

Maybe, just maybe, with him at your side, you could get through it.


What do you think about the outfits? Should I keep them or scrap them?

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Until next time.

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