Separated Part One - 10

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Hey guys. Thankyou to whimzy6 for requesting this imagine. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it has taken me so long to publish this story, my life has been so hectic lately and I just haven't been able to find the time for writing. Thankyou so much for being incredibly patient.

Request: Hey, I was wondering if you could do one where the reader gets separated from the doctor. Hopefully 10 please. But the longer it takes for them to find each other the more worried they get and the more they realize how much they love each other.

Looking back, you realised it was a stupid idea. You hadn't thought twice about doing it though, you just didn't want to be left behind again especially after what happened last time. You never wanted to see The Doctor hurt again. When he stumbled through the Tardis doors, half dead, you knew you would do anything in your power to stop The Doctor from getting hurt like that again. Whatever the cost.

To be totally honest, The Doctor hadn't specified what was going on, he just left and told you not to come out and when you pushed open the doors and saw that you were surrounded by thirty or more daleks, you froze. It had not been what you were expecting.

"Ah. Well. This is a uh- surprise." You had said before they whisked you off into a cell like room with barely anything inside, just a blanket and a toilet.

Now laying down in the room and staring up at the ceiling you wondered what The Doctor was up too. Probably just talking his way out of being exterminated.

-------- Doctor's POV ---------

"EXTERMINATE!" rang out around the room as the doctor sprinted down the hallway. How did he get into this situation? Setting the Tardis on random. He was never doing it again.

He ducked as a beam flew straight past his head and hit the wall next to him. The Tardis was at the end of this hall and he could feel it getting closer, step by step, second by second. His hearts pounded as he pushed one leg in front of the other, any minute he would round the corner and his blue box would be there, with his best friend safe and sound inside.

The hallway was coming to an end now, he could see the corner just ahead of him. As he turned he saw the Tardis, with around five daleks standing around it. They turned and saw him, beginning their famous mantra. The Doctor ducked and dived as green beams were flying towards him, his trench coat dancing behind him as he did.

He pushed open the doors and entered the control room in one swift move. He ran a hand through his unruly hair before taking his trench coat off and throwing it over the railing of the Tardis. The room was empty, no sign of his companion anywhere.

"(Y/N)!" The Doctor shouted, trying to find you. There was no answer just the sound of his hearts beginning to quicken. Where was she?

"(Y/N)!" He tried again, but got the same response. His hearts were out of control now, every second not knowing where you were.

"Why do they have to run off?" He asked himself. "Every time!"

He turned back around and picked up his trench coat, headed for the door again. His hearts sinking down into his chest.

-------- (Y/N) POV --------

The Dalek guard stood protecting the door of your cell. He looked exactly the same as all the others, hard beige-brown armor with eye stalks. You looked over at him. "So what's your name?" you asked.

No answer. "Huh, just what I thought." You turned to stare up at the ceiling again, but another question popped into your head.

"Do you like brownies?" The dalek continued to remain silent.

Why am I doing this?  You asked yourself, this is stupid. But you knew why, you just didn't want to think about what could be happening to The Doctor. If he got hurt again...

No. He wouldn't because you were going to get out of this cell.

And you were going to find him.

-------- The Doctor's POV -------

And once again, The Doctor found himself running through the dalek's halls.

He came around a corner and saw a screen mounted up on the wall. He grabbed out his sonic screwdriver, pointing it towards the screen. If he could find the right setting...

And with a tiny glitch, a map of the entire Dalek building was up on the screen.

Now, if (Y/N) had come out and had been surrounded by Daleks, they could have exterminated her straight away. But they wouldn't, they would want bait, so he would come running back.

And he always did.

Now if they didn't want her to be able to get out, where would they put her? Most likely a cell room. And that was located...

On the other side of the building.

And off The Doctor went, down the blinding white hallways without a second thought.

------ (Y/N) POV ------

The vents were hot and stuffy. Do Daleks even need vents?  You asked yourself as you made your way through the network of silver tubes.

You felt sick, a nervous kind of sick deep down in your stomach. You couldn't lie to yourself anymore, you knew what it was from. But that didn't mean that you wanted to think about it. Because if you did, it would hurt and you didn't want that. He was never going to feel the same way. Ever.

There was no debate. The Doctor couldn't feel that way about anyone, he had told you time and time again. He couldn't because they would age, and he wouldn't. And that would be hard for any person who was involved.

But where had these feelings come from? You hadn't felt them this morning, or before the whole dalek incident. It just sort of happened. But then you realised all the things that had happened. The hand holding, the fire sensation you felt whenever you touched, your heart skipping a beat every time you saw him. This had been going on for a while, you just hadn't realised what it was. How had it taken you this long?

No. You pushed the thoughts out of your head. You were NOT thinking about this now.

You crawled faster down the vents.

There we go, I hope it was worth the wait. Thanks again to whimzy6 for requesting this beautiful idea.

I was also thinking about doing some Supernatural imagines or Sherlock imagines. If you think this would be a good idea, please comment below!

Thanks for reading. Remember, requests are always open!

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