The Sniffles- 10

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Hello! I hope you enjoy this imagine. I do not own Doctor Who or the Book thief. If you haven't read The Book Thief you should, it is an amazing book.

Imagine: The Doctor looking after you when you're sick.

"(y/n)-" The Doctor said as he walked into your bedroom but was suddenly cut off by a cough erupting out of your lungs. You had felt like this since you woke up a couple of hours ago. This has been the first time The Doctor has seen you like this and you had been dreading it. Your hair was a mess and your nose was bright red, it probably wasn't your best look.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a confused look on his face. You glanced over at him with your bloodshot eyes.

"Do I look okay?" You snapped. You were lying in your bed with the covers pulled up to your chest, surrounded by used tissues.

You coughed again and you saw The Doctor take a step back.

"Yeah, stay back. You don't want to catch this." You growled at him. He gave you an apologetic look and walked over to you. He went to place his palm against your forehead but you flinched.

"I can't catch it. Special Time-lord immune system." He said arrogantly. You rolled your eyes.

"Rub it in my face, why don't you?" You said sickly. He smiled at you and placed his hand on your forehead.

"You've got a temperature. I'm going to head to the medical ward and get you some medicine."

"No!" You shouted, hoping to sound strong but your voice cracked. "I don't need it. I'll be fine." The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Maybe not today but I'll be all good tomorrow." The Doctor's eyebrows were still raised. You gave up, "fine."

The Doctor smiled in triumph and walked off to get the dreaded medicine. When he came back, bottle and spoon in hand, he walked over and sat beside you on the bed. He took the cap of the bottle and poured some medicine onto the spoon. It was a weird green colour and smelt like it had been left out in the sun for a week straight.

"There is no way I am ever going to have that." You stated, "Whatever it is."

"It's cold medicine from the planet zoeana. It'll get rid of the cold by tomorrow and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you wanted to see those waterfalls." He raised his eyebrow and you huffed out in frustration. You opened your mouth and he spoon fed you the green syrup. When you tasted it, you scrunched your face up in disgust. The Doctor laughed.

"It's not funny!" You said, telling him off but he continued to laugh anyway. When he stoped he put the cap back on the bottle and placed it on the bedside table. Sitting there, was a copy of your favourite book The Book Thief. He picked it up and showed it to you.

"What's this?" He asked. You looked up at him.

"Only just the best book that has ever been written." You had first read it when you were in high school and had continued to read twice a year since. Yesterday, you took it out of the bookshelf that stood on the corner of your room on the Tardis and placed it on the bedside table ready to start it again.

You had fell in love with all the characters within the first couple of chapters, Liesel, Rudy, Papa, Max and even Mama. No matter how many times you read it, it always made you cry.

"What's it about?" Asked The Doctor.

"It's about a German girl in the second world war who has an obsession with words." But it was about so much more.

"Do you want me to read it to you?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes." You answered without even thinking about it. The doctor opened up the book and flicked to the first page.

First the colours.
Then the humans.
That's usually how I see things.
Or at least, how I try.

The Doctor read the words all day, only stopping to move or get something. You fell asleep to his beautiful voice reading the words you loved.

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