Surprise -Jack

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Hey guys, a Jack imagine was requested by tabihowlter so here it is. And thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy it.

Imagine/request: Imagine Jack taking you out on a romantic date with a big surprise towards the end (don't want to give it away but I'm pretty sure you can tell what it is)

Note that (P/N) = pet name

This was your favourite smell in the world. The smell of the fresh coffee on a Sunday morning. Nothing could beat it. Every Sunday morning you would wake up to that smell drifting down the hall and up into your bedroom. Then, you would get up and follow it toward the kitchen where you would find your boyfriend of four years -Jack- making your favourite drink. 

You had moved in together two years ago and everything had been running smoothly. A few fights here and there but nothing too big, every couple had their fights. The biggest one you two ever had was when you found out what he did for a living. He actually had to drag you to his work to prove that he wasn't crazy. But after that was all out of the way, you two hardly argued about anything big.

"Good morning, (P/N)" Jack said with his morning voice.

"Good morning." You replied, as he handed you your cup of coffee and you both started walking toward the back door. You had two chairs in your backyard where you would sit and drink your coffee every Sunday morning.

It was nice outside for a change, the sun was shining down on the morning dew that sat on the green grass. You sat back in your chair and turned to look at Jack. He was just sitting in his now.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He said, as he placed his coffee on the small table between the two chairs.


"I have something planned for tonight, is that alright?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" You asked.

"Surprise, can't tell you." he smirked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Um, alright." You said, staring at him. What was he trying to hide?

------------Time skip----------

"Jack!" You shouted up the stairs towards your bedroom. "Are you ready?"

Unlike most relationships, it wasn't you-The woman-who took the longest to get ready. It was Jack. He took a solid half an hour longer than you did and you would just wait at the bottom of the stairs until he would come out.

"Almost!" He shouted back. After another minute the door opened and Jack walked out, wearing a tux. Your heart flatted a little when you saw him. Jack in a tux, the sight alone did things to you.

"Can I just push you back into our room for a second so I can rip that off you?" You said and made him smile like a four year old.

"Hold your horse's woman, there will be room for that tonight," he said with a smirk.

Then he looked at you and your red dress. It was tight fitting at the top but a bit looser from the chest and down. You saw him smile. "Beautiful," was all he said.

He walked down the stairs and stopped next to you. "Are you ready?" He asked and you nodded. He took your hand and opened the front door.

----------Time skip----------

"Where in God's name are we going?" You asked as he led you towards a large building with formally dressed people walking inside.

"You'll see." he said and you sighed, why wasn't he telling you anything?

You walked into the building, it was filled with people talking a sipping champagne. Then a waiter walked up to you and offered you a glass, both you and Jack took one. You looked around and saw a large sign sitting on the wall between to large but closed doors.

Welcome to the official opera theatre, we hope you enjoy, It read.

No. No way. You turned back to Jack, who currently had a smirk on his face.

"You remembered. How could you remember? I told you ages ago that I wanted to see the opera, and you remembered." You were still in shock, it must have been around three years ago that you told him.

"How could I forget?" he said and you hugged him, this man was full of surprises.

-------------Time skip----------

You sat half hanging of your chair in the theatre, you could not believe this was happening. You had been dreaming of going to the opera since you were a little girl and now that time had come.

"The opera will now commence, please stay in your seat and enjoy." said a woman over the speakers. At that moment, a woman wearing a black dress walked on stage, and started to sing. The sound of her voice started to run around the room, silencing everyone. Every single person in the room had their eyes on her.

Her voice was beautiful, the kind of voice that made you week at the knees every time you heard it. She sang the song with a sense of ease that only came with years and years of practicing. This was amazing.

Jack looked down at your face, star struck by the beauty of the music. He knew he had done well.

---------Time skip-----------

You walked out of the theatre, hand in hand with Jack. You didn't want this night to end, the opera went for two beautiful hours and lived up to every expectation you had built for it over the years. This was one of your favourite nights you had ever experienced.

All of a sudden, Jack stopped walking and pulled at your hand. You turned around and looked at him under the light of the lamp post. He looked straight back at you.

"(Y/N)" He said, "I've known you for four years and have loved every moment of it. My favourite part of the day is when I get to wake up and turn over and see you lying next to me. Every night, you're my last thought before I go to bed and the first thought when I wake up. And I can't stand the thought of not spending as long as I can with you."

Your heart began to race, was he about to say what you thought he was going to say?

"So, (Y/N). Will you please do the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked and pulled a little black box out of his pocket.

"Yes! Yes! Of course Jack! A million times yes!" You squealed as he opened the box. Inside, was a diamond ring, shining under the light of the lamp post. He pulled it out and grabbed your hand, sliding it onto your finger. As soon as he put it on, you practically threw yourself at him.

When your lips collided, tiny little drops of water started to fall down from the sky and you knew this was going to be good.


Thankyou again to tabihowlter for requesting. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thankyou to everyone else for reading it too and feel free to vote, comment or share if you liked it.

Also, I have just finished school this year (In Australia, we finish in December and start again in early February.) which means I have a lot more time to write, so if you have a request, feel free to comment below with it or private message me with it and I will see what I can do.

Stay awesome.

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