Jealousy - 11

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Thank you to QueenLivi23 for requesting this imagine. I hope you enjoy it!

Request: Hey, I was wondering if u could plz do a 11 imagines where he gets jealous, (over u and a friend or something I don't mind at all, it's up to u) but u and him aren't dating, if that makes sense.

"(Y/N), pass me my sonic screwdriver." Asked The Doctor who was currently sitting in the ropes below the control panel, trying to fix the Tardis. You grabbed his screwdriver from out of his jacket pocket and passed it to him, he caught it without looking away from his work.

"Jason and I were thinking of going to go see a football match today." You told him, thinking of your friend. You hadn't met that long ago to be honest but he had texted you earlier today to see if you wanted to go see a game of footy with him. The Doctor looked up from his work and to you, with a confused face.

"You don't even like football." He said. Here we go again, you thought. This had been happening a lot lately. Every time you mentioned Jason, The Doctor had something to say and it was getting on your nerves.

"Yes, but I like Jason."

"Yeah, but-" The Doctor stopped talking as soon as he saw the look on your face. After that he turned back to his work.

"I'm going up to my room to change." you told him and headed for the stairs up to the control room. But before you got to the top The Doctor spoke again.

"Okay, were already near your house, so you should be fine." He didn't look away from his work.

"Thanks." You mumbled and walked off to your room.


You stepped out from your bedroom wearing your favourite outfit. You quickly walked down the hall and into the control room again. The Doctor was still under the control panel, fixing the Tardis. You walked to the front door and opened it up. You were just a couple streets away from the little apartment that you owned. You'd just have to walk there and wait for Jason.

The thing was, one of the reasons why you hung out with Jason as much as you did was because he took your mind off The Doctor and your mind was on him a lot. Whatever you did, weather it was eating your cereal or making your bed you couldn't help but think of him. And it wasn't like it had an off switch, it just happened randomly. One minute you were thinking about pop tarts and then next it was about the Doctor.

You loved him. There was no way around it, that was just the way it was.

But with Jason, you could forget all of that. You didn't love him the way you loved The Doctor but he just had a way to make you forget. Forget everything that was wrong with loving someone who was just out of reach.

You rounded the corner of your apartment and opened the door. Jason would be here any second now to pick you up and when he got here, you could forget.

---------- The Doctor's POV --------

The Doctor heard the door of the Tardis shut behind (Y/N).

(Y/N). The name entered his head, forcing its way in. He never thought a name could mean that much. If you thought about it, a name was just something you called somebody because you really had nothing else to call them. But that name, it meant so much more to him. Every time he heard it, it was like his heart began to flutter.

And the person it belonged to. It was like that but times it by ten. Every time he saw her face, it was like everything else seemed to fade away. Every time she smiled, it brightened up his day. Every time he heard her voice, it was as if everyone else had stopped talking just so he could listen to her talk.

He was in love. Hopelessly and utterly in love.

And whenever he thought of Jason, he couldn't help but feel jealousy take over. It was like he was swimming in it and struggling to keep up.

And if this went on any longer, he was going to drown.


"Go Liverpool!" Shouted Jason, when the final siren went and Liverpool was declared winner. He was so into the game that it was funny. You were more interested in his reactions than the actual game. You couldn't understand what was so interesting about it but, hey, who were you to judge?

The car ride home was filled with Jason talking about the match. You just laughed at how enthusiastic he was. After saying goodbye, you got out of the car and waited for him to drive off. As soon as he rounded the corner, out of sight, you started to walk in the opposite direction, towards the Tardis.

The Blue box was waiting for you when you walked up to it. You pushed the door open and went to see if The Doctor was still working on The Tardis. But when you checked, he wasn't there. He was probably in the Library.

And when you walked in the Doctor was there, book in hand. "Hey, I'm back." You said and he looked up from his book.

"Oh, cool." He said, "How was it?"

"It was alright. Jason loved it." And there it was again, the tensing of the jaw. But you weren't going to mention it this time, you turned your back to walk away.

But The Doctor, he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I can't." He said quietly, almost silent. You turned around to face him. "I can't watch you be with him anymore."

"What?" You asked, your voice coated in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm in love with you." He said. The five words floated around in your head. This was the last thing you expected him to say. "And if I have to watch you run around with him than-"

"Just, stop. STOP." You cut him off. "You didn't think I loved you back?"

You saw The Doctor's eyes brighten immediately as he looked back up into yours. Had he heard you right? His heart began to speed up and rise into his throat. if what you had just said was true, it might explode.

"What about Jason?"

"Jason's just a friend and that's all he'll ever be," you told him. A smile broke out across both his and your face. Within three seconds, The Doctor had closed the space between you and placed his mouth on yours. The kiss was filled with passion and grace as he pulled his fingers through your hair. You had dreamed of doing this a hundred times. But this?

This was the stuff dreams were made out of.

Thankyou for reading. If you liked it, feel free to vote, comment or share. Remember, requests are always open!

And again, thank you to QueenLivi23 for requesting!

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