Captain - Jack

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Hey Guys! This is my first Captain Jack imagine so I hope it's alright :)

Imagine: Meeting Captain Jack Harkness at a bar.

The short journey from the cab to the bar was a wet one. It was pouring outside, bucketing down onto the already wet pedestrians. Your bright yellow coat was sticking to your skin as you entered the warm dry pub.

You looked around. People were sitting at tables with little bowels of nuts sitting in the middle. It was filled with conversation, people talked to each other, letting out a laugh whenever someone said something amusing. You walked over to the bar and ordered your drink, slipping the bartender some money.

Just a few seats away from you was a handsome looking guy. He had dark brown hair and a jawline that could cut glass. A long grey trench coat was slung over the back of his chair, which looked like it was from WWII.

God, he was good looking. He drank his beer slowly, occasionally glancing around the bar, looking at the various types of different people. He caught a glance at you, but before you could see his reaction, you looked away, embarrassed to be caught staring.

"Miss," The bartender said, causing you to look at him, "your drink." He slid the drink towards you.

"So," announced an arrogant but sexy voice, "You're a whisky type of girl. Who would have guessed?" You looked to the person it was coming from. It was the handsome guy from before, he was now leaning against the bar, looking at you.

"Didn't think my choice of drink would earn me such a handsome admirer." You flirted. You didn't normally do this but it was a Friday night. What could possibly go wrong? Jack smiled and held out his strong hand towards you.

"The name's Jack. Captain Jack Harkness." He said as you shook his hand.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." His eyes were a beautiful grey-blue colour that matched his shirt and when he smiled, he had these dimples that made his face look so friendly and inviting. He was a very good looking man, plus the suspenders...

"So what do you do?" He asked, still smirking at you.

"I run a bookshop, just a couple of blocks away." You replied. It was a small bookshop, but it supplied money. Your little flat was just above it, so you never really needed to get around much.

"Ah, nice. Bookworm too."

"What do you do?" You asked, you didn't get the slightest clue from his clothes. He looked like he was part of the Second World War.

"I, um, work for a kind of border organisation. I check the people who come over from other... countries." He sounded unsure about this but you decided to ignore it. If he didn't want to tell you his job, that was his problem.


"So are you here alone?" He asked, curiously. "Do you have any friends coming? A boyfriend?" A boyfriend? Yeah, right.

"No. No boyfriend." You snorted. "You? Do you have any girlfriend?"

"No." He said a little too quickly. "No girlfriend. Just my work" You laughed, you could understand. You felt like you were married to your bookstore.

With that out of the way, you continued to talk late into the night. The people around you left and new ones came but the talking never changed. Everyone socialized and laughed, filling the room with warm, happy conversation. Jack's focus on you never faded though, he kept his eyes on you while you went on about your family and the weird costumers at your bookshop. Maybe this was the start of something.

Something good.

So there you go, I hope you liked it. Feel free to vote, comment or share. And remember, requests are always open!

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