"Huh? That's strange..." he mumbled while walking away from you.

-(I'm sorry for all the time skips)-

For the next few days you were all depressed and down, no one knew why - you didn't know either. However, being the exuberant person you are, you quickly recovered after a week.

"Hello!" you chimed in the gym and... you saw an unfamiliar figure in the gym, a small, blonde girl hiding behind Shimizu.

"Kya!" your sudden appearance may had frightened her. She jolted and grabbed Shimizu's arm.

"(L/N), this is our new manager, she is  a first year as well."

"Hi-Hi! My n-name is Yachi Hitoka..."

You couldn't hear anything. Your ears rang - what happened? You thought you was supposed to be the new manager that would take over Shimizu's place after she finished her third year...

"(L/N)-chan, can we talk outside the gym?" Sugawara patted you on your shoulder while Daichi looked at you with concern - or actually, pity.

You, Daichi and Suga were outside and there was a awkward silence. Before neither of them said anything, you broke the silence,

"Why? What happened? How come?" You felt tears in your eyes.

"So you see, (L/N)-chan... We feel like you... urm..." Suga scratched his head, foreshadowing the upcoming bad news.

"We feel like it would have been better if you were't our manager." Daichi's words broke your heart. You felt it throbbing.

"You see... we need someone... urm... better to help us out..."

Drip. Before he finished his sentence, your tears started dripping down.

"Gyakk! (L/N)-chan pl-please don'r cry!" Suga panicked while Daichi remained calm and stoic.

"Ah... I see... So I am not good enough for your team, captain?" the male was shocked by the sudden formality. You have never called him a "captain".

"No... it's not that..." Daichi seemed to start panicking.

You stomped inside the gym, ignoring him. The gym containing a team of people - none of them noticed you. They were too focused on the new, better manager. You glanced at the orange-haired male. He was going around her, too. You turned away, slamming the door close when you left.

"Huh? Wa-was that (F/N)-chan...?" the sudden slam seemed to grab Hinata's attention.

"Where is she... WUUOOHHH YACHI-SAN YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE US A POSTER!?!? YOU'RE THE BEST!" your disappearance certainly didn't bother him.

For the whole afternoon, you stayed in a coffee shop, all alone, thinking about what you've done wrong - all you wanted was to stay beside Hinata; that's all you wanted, is that too much to be asked for? When you're in your deep thoughts, the waiter interrupted you,

"Sorry, miss. We're closing, it's 6pm."

You grabbed your bag and dragged your lifeless body out the coffee shop just to break your heart

You grabbed your bag and dragged your lifeless body out the coffee shop just to break your heart

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"Tch, high school couples nowadays... PDAs everywhere..." you heard a college student beside you mumble.

"Ahh... I see... she's better anyways..." you thought, tears dripping down again.

-Time skip-

For the previous few days, you had tried using different excuses to talk to Hinata in school, but only to be informed that he was with Yachi Hitoka in class 4.

Rumors had it that they were dating.

-Another time skip-

It's been a few months since you last talked to anyone from the volleyball team.

You mindlessly wandered around the train station, and suddenly,


"Ah-ah I'm sorry! Huh? (F/N)-chan? ... I mean (L/N)-san..." the formality broke your heart.

"Hinata-kun." you greeted him, trying to think of something to talk about in order to continue the conversation.

"Gyak! I left my lunch box in Yachi-san's home!" he turned around, sprinted away from you.

His lunch box, in Yachi's home. That seemed to have explained all the rumors crap.

In your train, you saw a poster. A poster of Hinata's figure - you could tell that it was him within seconds. 

"The crows head back into the nationals. The Little Giant returns"

That's why the team had gotten funds, huh. Your eyes shifted down and...

"designed by Yachi Hitoka"

Everything seemed to unravel itself now - everything suddenly made sense.

You were good but she was better

You used to be important but now you're unimportant. You used to be irreplaceable but she replaced you.

(L/N) (F/N) was never heard again in Hinata's high school life. Yachi Hitoka replaced it all.

Haikyuu!! x reader (one shots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя