29- "Send Me Home?"

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Explosive chapter

I've been planning so much stuff to happen and it's all going to happen in the next 5 chapters and I'm not ready for it!

Don't kill me

The next morning Sarah called a quick meeting after breakfast to discuss.

We all glanced nervously at each other as we filed into the room.

"Take a seat please girls. I'm a very impatient person."

We all quickly got into our seats, not fully ready for a rant or lecture from Sarah at this early hour.

"Thank you," She smiled. "I just wanted to say a few small things. Congratulations to everyone who has already done their meetings. You've all done your best, and your best was great. To the few who still have to do theirs today, good luck." She leaned on her desk tucking a piece of brown hair behind her ear. "Another thing is that tonight is the Report. Now that we have a smaller number of you, Apollo will be asking some personal questions as well as relationship questions, because the nation wants to get to know our future queen," She gave us a pointed look. "Remember confidence, poise and posture. That's all, you can go and enjoy your day."

"Would he be asking about my home life?" Piper asked as we made our way to the Women's room.

"I guess," I shrugged. "Why?"

She stopped at the door of the Women's room. "How about we go outside today?"

I nodded and we continued walking in the direction of the front doors.

"To answer your question, my home was boring," We came to the doors, the warm Angeles sun hitting our faces. "Don't get me wrong, I had a house, I had food and everything a 2 could want, I know I'm privileged. But when your Dad completely ignores you and everywhere you go paparazzi and press want you. I didn't feel loved." She sighed.

"Is that why you entered the Selection?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," She nodded. "I just want to find love, and feel loved."

"Well, you must be used to all the cameras and publicity."

"Well, you're too used the royalty and everything that comes with that," She bumped my shoulder. "How did your meeting go?"

I breathed out through gritted teeth as we sat down on a bench, the green grass plush under our feet and the smell of flowers around us. "I exploded. Percy nearly exploded too. Hera was being such a hellhound and I wanted to slap her."

Piper laughed. "I had more trouble with freaking Octavian. He wouldn't let me finish my sentences and he thought his ideas were better."

"Hera didn't like my ideas either and kept questioning everything I did."

We started to swing our legs like children on the bench. "Artemis is cool though."

I nodded. "Yeah she's pretty cool"

Piper and I sat and talked on that bench until our stomachs started to grumble for food. We went inside and saw that in the Women's room maids had set up a delicious looking buffet.

Pipers eyes widened. "Ooo. Get me some of that," And she took off to grab a plate and some food.

I followed less enthusiastically behind her, putting some fruit on my plate, then some other foods.

I sat down next to Katie who had her mouth stuffed with some food,

She said a muffled, "Hey Annabeth," And I smiled back.

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