He opened that door with a hassle, and run to the furthest end of the desk, and ducks down.

Suddenly a memory comes back at me, making me feel like an idiot, and smile an awkward smile.

"Is anybody here? Is Fi here? I want to discuss my club's budget.."

And that boy's head just popped out from under the desk, and stand up. He was the handsomest guy in this school, the honored student, the Student Council Secretary, Phun Phumiphat. A not so close friend of mine, a guy who chase after me so stubbornly, a guy who i gave my life to. My husband, Phun Phumiphat.

"I have a solution to your problems, Noh."

"What? I can do anything,just tell me."
"Noh, be my boyfriend.."

I look at him, try to decide whether i should let him know that i get my memories back or just let him stay in the dark.

"I have a better solution, Phun. What about you marry me and be my husband? And next time don't let me get shot, will you?"

My body shakes from my cries. It was all coming back to me. I wish i never remember again. All those agonizing time, all those bad peoples, all those sadness.

My memories hit me like a wave to a shore, hard and cold. I was pushed down so hard that i couldn't stand anymore.

Phun was coming at me in the nick of time, hugging me tight in his chest. "It's really you, isn't it, Noh?"

I told him everything. I told him about Naek, Brown and Air. Let him know, i don't care. I have contained it in my heart for so long that i can't bear them no more.

I sob and sob for what it seems like eternity while he still hug me so tight in his bosom. The sob won't fade so he decided to just casually wrap his shoulder around me and kiss my hair sometimes.

I feel so drained when i finished telling him all about what happened during his absence. I'm sorry, Phun. I did what i could to protect you, i was so weak and couldn't even protect myself...

Here inside the empty Student Council Room, i spilled everything to him, but all i can see is his calmness, his undivided attention towards me, his gentle affection, and his ensuring touch.

In between my tears he would put my head on his shoulder and pat my head gently, and told me to get on with my stories.

"I'm sorry Phun..i've bertray us.. i'm so dirty, yet i don't want you to leave me.."

"Shhhh...Noh, I'm the one who should say sorry. I left you unprotected and they used you up. Please forgive me Noh..."

"Phun, what become of us? Are you leaving me now? i know i don't deserve your love.."

But he hugged me real tight and kiss my forehead.

"Are you crazy? leaving the most beautiful jewel that i have? What do i have if i don't have you? I'm what i am because of you."

Then he turned me to face him and look at my eyes with his pitch black calm orbs. His fingers are caressing my face lovingly.

"I'm the one who should say sorry, wifey. I've put you through this. Knowing what you would be going through but leaving you anyway. Those people...they are very powerful that you won't be able to fight. But we were in the middle of a drug dealer war, Noh. I couldn't tell you what kind of war we've been through because i don't want you to run away from me. I..was being very selfish to keep you by my side, because i know i won't survive without you. So i let them protect you, i gave you in their hands to be loved, because i know that they would gave their hearts to you."

A (more) Chaotic Life of an ex Blue Short GuyWhere stories live. Discover now