|s i x t e e n|

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can you guys plz vote and comment bc thts wat motivates me to continue writing. thnks ❤️

Third person p.o.v

Taehyungs parents arrived home. They were exhausted because of the flight . They entered the house and called for taehyung.

"Taehyung, honey we are home" his mom said but no one responded .

There was a bad feeling in her stomach.A mother instinct as you would call it. Mr. kim seemed to realize that his wife was worried.

"Taehyung,honey where are you" she said again.

She headed upstairs to his room but the door was locked. Her husband had a set of keys with him so he opened the door. Mrs. kim was searching the area but there was only clothes on the floor. The bathroom door was slightly opened, she decided to head in.

There was her precious and only son. Kim Taehyung. In the bathtub with water, with his blood. She gasped. She didn't know what to do. Who would.

Reality hit her and she headed towards Taehyung. She was crying, tears came down nonstop. She was scared of what could happen to him if he didn't get help right away, while she was next to Taehyung crying there stood her husband who didn't know what to do. Right now he hated himself for not being a better father and for not excepting his son as who he was. The only thing he could do to save him was call an ambulance and that's what he did.

Mrs. Kim too was regretting her decision towards what she did to taehyung . She wished that this was just a dream so when she woke up she could fix everything with Taehyung.

She was so frightened just by the sight of his wrists. It was a horrible sight for a mother to see.

Before she knew it the ambulance came in and took taehyung and soon she followed them making sure to take Taehyungs phone with her so she could call the last person he talked to.

Min yoongi p.o.v

I was so confused after he sent me that message so i decided to call him back.

"Hello" answered a women's voice.

"Um is taehyung there " i asked

"Who are you" she asked

"I'm yoongi, his friend " i replied

"Did you know about this " she ask in a serious tone.

"About what ?" i asked confused.

"That he was going to kill himself " she replied.

What is she talking about. Taehyung wouldn't do that right? i made him feel better right? did i fail him like i fail everyone else?

"W-what are you talking about"  i said in a worried voice.

"You need to come to the hospital, he is in critical condition" and with that she hung up.

I quickly got all my things and ran towards my car and headed to the hospital.

3rd person p.o.v

The doctors where trying to do everything they could in order to save taehyung.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim where in the waiting room praying that there soon would be ok .

They truly regretted everything they ever did to their only son. They left to go on these long " business trips " just to get away from him because they just couldn't accept there son.

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