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i woke up next day and sadly it was friday, which meant i had to go to school

tbh i didn't want to go and see jungkooks face ever again in my life, but i know i have to go to school or else my parents would get mad, that's even if they remember they have a son.

i decided to get up from the bathroom floor and wash my face. once i was done with that i brushed my teeth and left the bathroom, i didn't bother to do my hair or put some makeup on bc i have no one to impress no more.

i changed from the uniform i wore yesterday to another one bc that one was dirty. as i was stripping i realized that i had dry blood and burn marks all over my wrists.

then i remember everything

how hurt i was

how much the pain i was going thru

i still remember that look on jungkooks face when he saw me in front of him.

but i broke up with him, and the pain is suppose to go away, right ?

but it's not

maybe you need sometime and someone else whow can make you feel loved.

yeah , that's it.

as i finished changing for school i start to walk to school since i didn't feel like taking my car.

at school.......

i entered my class and before i can even take a seat i see jungkook and a girl making out.

i thought that he would take the break up seriously but i guess he isn't, i mean what was i expecting he is jungkook after all.

but the thing that hurt me most is that he didn't even wait a couple of days to make out with a random girl

i guess you lied to me when you said i was the love of your life

but those are your lies .

lunch time ....

i sat by myself, picking at my food not bothered to eat it since i know i'll just throw it up later

i just want you to realize that i do this all for you

starve myself, so i can have the perfect body or a feminine body, which you seem to like a lot since everyone you make out with is a girl

so with that i just stand up and throw my food away and decide to take a walk around the school

i decided to go to my locker and get my things for my next class

after i get my things i head back to my classroom to put my things in there

i was about to leave when i felt a presences behind me and then i turned around and saw jungkook, he was smirk at me then he started to rub his dick on my ass

"hey babe" jungkook whispers in my ear while still rubbing his dick on my ass

wait wtf is he doing, does he not remember yesterday that i clearly broke up with him?

"w-what are you doing, get off of me " i say to him trying to sound calm, witch i'm clearly not

"why babe? huh ? don't you like it when i show you love " he then tightened his grip on my tiny waist

"what at you talking about? i never told you that and secondly what you show me is not love , it's just lust ok and also when did you care huh ? because the only time you would spend with me is when you want to have sex, so get the fuck away from me you horny fucker " i said angrily at him and hurt bc it's sad that he only use me for sex

but before i left he grabbed me by my wrists which i wince in pain from the cutting and burning myself the night before

"let me go" i say but he just tightened his grip on my wrists

why isn't he letting me go ?

now i'm starting to tear up, the pain is unbearable, i just can't stand it anymore and why isn't he listening to me?

before i know it i swing my hand and hit him across the face

omg what did i just do ?

"omg i didn't mea-" i was cut off by something i never thought he would do

he kissed me, but that kiss was like no other kiss we've ever had

no taehyung this is wrong you know it is, pull away and make him suffer just like he did to you

i need to listen to myself so i can be happy and with that i pushed him away

"why can't you understand that what we had is over and nothing i mean nothing can change that"

i left school crying and running to my house

i need to find someone that can show me love so i can forget about jungkook

and i just spend my day crying

i didn't eat anything today which was good

i didn't let jungkook control me which was good

but at the end of the day i'm just suffering which it's not good.


hey guys i just wanted to thank all of u who are reading this story i appreciate it thnks 🙆🏻💕

and also i think i'm going to publish a new story in the week thats coming up

there will be short chapters (well most of them) and it's about vkook but the ending isn't going to be a happy one ..... so yeah if you want to read it go ahead it's going to be called " don't tell me bye bye"

bye guys 🙋🏻💖

Y O U R    L I E S Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora