Chapter 16: A Burnt Castle

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Pegasus spread its wings as it flew over the trees, which were bending over in the wind, a storm swiftly crossing the vast plains of the place called The Hokarland. Mattzew couldn't help but think that the storm was going to get worse, but Thor kept flying onward over the forest, passing over the river that they had seen before. Pegasus dove towards the stream, and landed upon the potted soil, drinking heartily from the water supply, and neighed gently as the wind brushed flaky leaves off of trees, blowing sediments into Mattzew's wild hair. It was breezy, and it was chilly out, and honestly (even if he didn't want to say it), Mattzew was scared. He was scared of this new world, he was afraid of his powers, he was afraid of Pegasus and who it was, he was afraid for Pegasus, but most of all, he was scared for Avery. Where did she go and why did she leave? Something just didn't add up. Mattzew was determined to find Avery, even if it meant leaving Pegasus.

"Thor, let me down! I need to find Avery!" Mattzew told the stallion, patting its mane. "Look, I love you too, but Avery........she means the world to me! I must find her!" Pegasus neighed hesitantly, but then began to dive down towards the ground, the clouds gliding and creating a thin mist around Mattzew. Water droplets hung on Mattzew's hair like dew as he clung to Thor's mane in pure terror, wondering why he chose to find Avery in the first place. He might as well just stick with Pegasus. Yet he knew, Avery was special. There weren't many girls like Avery anymore. The storm was getting worse every second. Dark storm clouds dotted the sky, and there were infrequent splashes of rain that fell. "Com'on Pegasus! We've got to get to Avery!" Mattzew panicked, scanning the endless horizon in search for the girl he knew so well. The ground was drawing so near that he was afraid they would crash, but at the last moment, Thor reared up and landed peacefully, lowering it's back so that Mattzew could slide off. At this moment, the rain chose to pound the floor harshly, and Mattzew became soaked as lightning flashed across the sky in neon yellow bolts.

"AVERY!" Mattzew screamed as thunder roared and thudded in his eardrums. He combed Thor's neck as he waited impatiently for Avery's distinct face to appear amongst the shadows and the pouring rain. "Avery?" Mattzew called again, his heart fluttering inside his chest violently. Suddenly, he felt Thor's muzzle withdrawing beneath his fingertips and shrinking down swiftly. "THOR!" Mattzew screamed as Thor's bones seemed to bind together and its body began to shrink, along with its wings which seemed to fold downwards into a distinct looking girl.

"Seriously Mattzew, do you ever learn? I've been with you the entire time!" Avery scolded. "You've made me stop for nothing! Now hop on! There are people following us and we're not going to be too far ahead for long." Mattzew was so shocked as he watched the stallion shrink, but this was just too much. His beloved Pegasus was actually.... Avery Silversky? How was it even possible?

"A......vvvverry?" Mattzew stuttered as he watched Avery's soaked silver hair flash behind her head and her gold eyes glint mysteriously in the dim light. "How........ It-isn't posssssssibbbblee!" Mattzew exclaimed as he watched Avery frown. "Your messing with my head, Pegasus! Stop it! Avery's gone!" Mattzew screamed as he shook his head wildly and paced in circles. Avery placed her hand on Mattzew's arm, but Mattzew backed away, his arms up in the rain like he was going to surrender. "Look, whoever you are, I'm scared. I'm scared of this new world, I'm afraid of my powers, I'm afraid of Pegasus and who that thing is, I'm afraid for Pegasus, but most of all, I'm scared for Avery." Mattzew mumbled to the girl, letting all his feelings come tumbling out from inside him like a waterfall.

"Mattzew, ask me something only Avery would know. Then you will know who I truly am," Avery bargained, and Mattzew shook her hand.

"Deal," he said, then began thinking about something only Avery would know. However, it was hard to believe that before all this even started, Avery had been a ruthless villain on the loose. Avery was sly and sneaky, the best shoplifter and pickpocket around. She never wore anything trendy, and she was always wearing stuff from like a thousand years ago. Now, Avery was wearing a grey tunic and long dark brown jeans. What could he ask her that only Avery would know? But more importantly, why was she wearing a tunic when she could wear an awesome Minecraft t-shirt like his?

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