Chapter 10: Midnight

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Parker sat on an oak tree stump, re-bandaging his leg as he sat next to a cozy fire in the woods. Some would say that lighting a fire by dry wood wasn't such a good idea, but Parker was usually dumb, so the cautions never came to his mind. He had been traveling by both day and night, and today was the only day he had slept in a week. Mally was the one he was looking for. She was the answer to all his questions. How could she turn someone who had nothing into someone who had a fate one day? Parker, he had no future, he didn't have anything special. Neither had Mally. Both of them, he had known since the moment he met her, that their destinies were intertwined forever. Their bonds were forever tied together. Whatever happened to her, the same would happen to him. Sure, he was a coward, but they had the same personality. They both had the ability to stand up for their friends, but not themselves. They both had no destinies, nothing to look forward to. Certainly, she felt the same as he did?

Parker sat forward and peered up as the sun was pulled by gravity back towards the Earth, the glowing ball of light filling his heart with hope as he stood up and watched as a million dreams filled his head, enlightening his soul. Mally had to have the same the same feelings as him. They were two inseparable souls, always drawn towards each other. They needed each other, just as much as plants needed the sun to survive. They each needed someone to depend on, someone who can help when no one else could. They were like twins, always knowing when the other needed help. Parker raced forward, his twisted leg not weighing him down as he started yelling as hard as he could. He missed Lily so much, but he couldn't remember he now, or he would be brought back. He had to give his passion up to Mally.

"MALLY!" He screamed as followed the path he had seen Lily take before. He knew that he was a stalker, well at least kids nowadays would call him that. They would call him a wimp for chasing after a girl. But they didn't realize what it felt like to not have anything special about you. He heard scratching and was momentarily stunned, but realized that if you were in a forest, noises were bound to be heard. "Mally?" He whispered tensely, only loud enough so that whatever was making the sound could hear him.

A hoarse voice broke out from the unknown and whispered, "Just leave me alone, if you know what's good for you." The voice started trying to muffle it's sound as if the person was crying and was ashamed to show it.

"Show yourself," Parker demanded, his voice quivering with fear. If took every ounce of courage just to say those words.

"I said to leave me alone!" The voice was getting louder, but he could recognize the tone of the voice. The voice who had told him so many times to get a grip.............

"Get a grip, Parker. I told you to leave me alone. Lily's gone. She left me like she did before. You're not the person I want to see," the distinct voice of Mally left his heart chilled, but he built up the courage to say,

"I'm here to see you, Mally." He whispered, his voice leaving a ringing echo in her ears. "You're the only person who can help me now." Suddenly he saw her form step into the bright sunlight, her caramel hair glinting in the light. Mally could only say two words.

"Why me?" She whispered, the words flying out of her mouth. Why would Parker choose her out of anyone and everyone in the world? Why did he think she was so special?

Parker smiled. "You're different, like me. Everyone in the world has something special to look up to, something they're unique at. Both of us, we don't have a destiny to look up to. But you, you were able to work around all of that. All Lily saw in you was betrayal because you, Mally the only person she had ever had beside her had thrown her aside like she was nothing, but I see something different. I see a caring girl who can't choose between her friends and her family. I see someone who fights for others instead of herself. We, were inseparable because of our personalities. Don't you understand Mally? We're the same! Why don't you get it? You found a way to work around what you were given. I want the chance to do the same. I need help, and you, my friend, are the only one who can get me what I want. Please, Mally I need you and I can't do this without you. Help me, Mally." Parker saw as Mally's pale face was awashed by a smile as bright as the sun itself, her teeth gleaming like pearls covered by the sun's gentle rays.

Orange Shadow Magic: Awaken. Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora