Chapter 7: An Unusual Surprise

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It was a calm sunny average day, while in a colossal egg-shell white mansion sat Mattzew Em, just lounging around doing absolutely nothing. As Mattzew had just gotten back from spending another few bland and ordinary hours at school. His artichoke dipping sauce lay ahead of his plate on his mother's island table, and he played around with his pizza sent straight from Italy. As Mattzew duly stared at his food and started chewing the toasted meal, he realized that every other day of his life would be exactly like this. Boring old Saturday would come and he would have to go with his mom to the grocery store, or his dad would take him to his private yacht again. Sometimes his grandma would come over to take him to his cousin's house. "No! Not that again!" He had screamed to his mother six weeks ago during spring break after she had informed him that his grandma would be taking him there to celebrate his cousin's birthday. And everytime that happened, there would be no video games, no TV, and no electronics for Mattzew. In fact, he wouldn't even get to see his friends. When he went to see his cousins, his mother told him that he had to write a thank you card to his grandma for graciously taking him there. He hated his grandma. Whenever he saw her he always thought, thanks for ruining my life you monster, thank you for letting me have a peaceful break without spoiling it, and thanks for bringing cheese and ham sandwiches every single time! And that too. His grandma always got cheese and ham sandwiches for lunch. Yuck! What an awful combination! A grilled cheese sandwich would've been something, but ham and cheese? That's something Mattzew wouldn't even feed to his worst enemy. Didn't she know he hated sandwiches?

Anyway, Mattzew knew that whether he complained or not, life would always be terrible. Why couldn't anything exciting ever happen? Mattzew wished so much that one day he would wake up and find himself on Mars. Then he could eat pancakes with an alien anytime he wanted. Also, didn't everyone know that the famous candy, Mars Bars came from Mars? Delicious. All the candy he could imagine, instead of having an endless supply of lousy basketballs signed by nobody special, just Le Bron James. Just an entire world-renown basketball team or as Mattzew called them, a bunch of old grumps. Maybe he could find himself in Narnia or Hogwarts and have an adventure with a lion or a wizard. What if he even found himself in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory? Now that would be an adventure. At last paradise. He would probably never leave. Probably.

At Mattzew's school, he was the most popular kid, and he couldn't possibly leave his fame, so maybe he would never go anywhere special. Just stay where he was and play regular old baseball with the entire team of the Angels on Saturday. Nothing much to do really. And a super fun added bonus was that he was grounded for a month. Great. And on top of that, his mom had insisted that he watch his aunt's 5-year-old daughter while the rest of his family and her family were on vacation. He didn't get to go only because he had totally destroyed his electric bike while "accidentally" crashing it into a rock in what his mom had called a ''dangerous stunt''. The bike wasn't even as good as his old one! His mom had promised him though that they could go to Disneyland once they got back. What a lousy vacation. "Why do you not get to go on the family vacation?" Mattzew asked Angela Em, the curly orange haired 5-year-old.

"None of your business!" Angela snapped, glaring at Mattzew. She started punching the wall as if she wanted to punch Mattzew.

"Wanna have a go at me?" Mattzew asked smugly, his frown turning into a ridiculous grin. Angela glared at Mattzew again and raised an eyebrow at Mattzew's weird and childish words.

"You know you are supposed to be 12, right?" Angela said, laughing at Mattzew's foolish words.

"I'm gonna report you to your parents." Mattzew smiled, as if he had the advantage.

"Think twice." In Angela's hand was Mattzew's iPhone 35, the newest version of technology. Technically it wasn't even out yet, but Mattzew's mom had somehow got it for him anyway. Whatever! As long as Mattzew got what he wanted, then he was happy. It didn't matter how his mom got it. He just had to get what he wanted. However, now Mattzew gaped at his cousin. How did she get his phone? It was in his pocket the entire time! But, Mattzew didn't really care about the phone. It was junk and was not even a good phone. He had to ask his parents if they could give him an iPhone 37 before it came out, too.

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