Chapter Five:

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Alice woke the next morning to the sound of her alarm clock, reminding her of the start of the week. She couldn't help feel giddy, almost refreshed when she rolled out of bed.

She thought of nothing but Clayton, outside, waiting for her.

The day was simple.

The expectation was that Alice would get dressed and try to compose herself as she walked out of her bedroom, reminding herself to act normal when she headed out the door for school.

Alice even remembered to grab a jacket, her pulse was racing, a glimpse would make her happy.

That was the plan. Shall we begin?

She raced out of her bedroom, Alice wasn't even hungry but she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl anyway, knowing she would need it later.

June was watching her with a puzzled look.

Suddenly, she realised why June was puzzled, Alice was humming a tune and gliding around the kitchen as if dancing.

Strange behaviour....she was happy for the first time in a while.

Ignoring June, quickly she headed out the door, closing it with a little to much force. Her feet couldn't walk fast enough, ignoring the brisk Boston morning with its low sun and icy pavements.

Her heart dropped: Clayton wasn't there. Neither was his red truck. Reality sank in, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Alice walked down the path, carefully, stopping at the curb and looked both ways to check if he had just left.

Nothing but kids heading off to school. Wives' kissing their husbands goodbye both left, right and centre.

"Damn" she muttered to herself as she started walking towards Celia's house, the cool, winter breeze making her shiver for a few seconds.

"You're Elizabeth Clarke's daughter right? Alison?" voice called out to her.

"Yes, that's right," Alison replied automatically, turning to face the speaker

Alice came face to face with an older man, looking very average, but too fancy to live around here. His ten thousand dollar Rolex giving him away instantly.

"Sorry. Who are you?" Alice called back, mostly in defense but also a little curious.

The man stood back a few seconds, almost puzzled.

"You were only small when I first met you. I bet you don't remember me, but I remember the day you were born. Now look at you. The splitting image of your mother. Both so beautiful...but you, it's like looking back through time.

She was so confused

"Do you know where I could find Elizabeth?" he said again, taking a few steps back, realizing he was standing a little too close for his comfort.

Alice thought for a second, maybe he's just crazy and confused.

"Um Elizabeth is dead. It's been over four months now. She's buried over in Westview Cemetery," she called out.

The man stood back on his heels, hands in his pockets. He was almost shocked as if his world had dropped out from beneath his feet

"I was too late. I thought I had more time" Alice thought she heard him whisper in disbelief.

"Tom!" June's voice called out, startling Alice out of her skin. She was in her nightgown, angry expression on her face as she made her way towards them.

The man almost looked scared as June stood in front of him, her arms folded. Alice had never seen her this angry.

"Hey, June. Your second marriage suits you" he said, almost bitter.

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