Chapter Eight:

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The parking lot was empty and very quiet as Clayton's truck came to a stop. He turned the engine off, it rumbling into silence.

Memorial Park had value to Alice; she use to come here with her mother in the summer months, or when her mother just had broken up with one of her many past boyfriends.

Elizabeth had bad luck when it came to relationships, seven in total, all short-lived - the last one hit her, and was not even worthy of a name in Alice's eyes.

Coming back into reality, Clayton turned to Alice, pulling her out of her dream, his arm stretching out behind her. She felt her body relax, leaning her head against his arm.

He kissed her again, really kissed her - it was deep and passionate. His arms lifting her easily onto his lap, her back against the wheel of his truck.

She couldn't help but smile as he kissed her neck, hands softly on her waist, teasing the fabric of her dress.

"I had a great night" He said through the darkness, his full attention on her, his hands playing with her bra strap.

"Really though sweetheart, you're not telling me the truth. How old are you?" Clayton said again, his mouth twitching as he moved his hands down to her lower back

She took a breath; his eyes were making her feel guilty, had he caught onto her lie?

"I'm only seventeen," Alice whispered, ashamed and weak.

She heard Clayton sigh as he pulled her off him, allowing her to adjust in the passenger seat.  

Alice leaned back against the door, heartbroken – was he rejecting her?

"Allie. I think you're pretty but I don't really want to go to jail for pussy. A ten year a lot" Clayton looked upset, his head leaning back against his seat.

He was mumbling something.

"Clayton. I didn't mean to lie. I was going to tell you. I mean, you're not my boyfriend. Why should it matter?" Alice broke, almost in tears.

He was looking at her now, his eyes searching for a reply.

"I'm not beautiful. I'm not refine. I'm not good enough for someone like you. I apologize,"Alice said quickly, feeling discouraged, through the darkness.

Clayton sighed, his fingertips tracing her collarbone and the gold chain, "You're beautiful and incredibly smart Miss Allie, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're truly one of a kind."

Alice looked defeated, "I'm sorry again."

He looked at her, those blue eyes hard as if he was reading her mind once again.

He reached out to her in the dark, his fingertips brushing her wet cheeks.

"What if I wanted to be more? What if I wanted to be your boyfriend?" his voice purred as she weakly smiled.

Alice leaned into him, his arms around her,

"Fuck it" Clayton whispered under his breath, catching her off guard.

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