Chapter Four:

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Alice woke up with a jolt for the second time in two days. She was disorientated and very hungover.

This wasn't her house. It was old and in desperate need of a paint job.

The sheets smelt old, with a hint of peppermint. The room was simple, - small, with an old dresser that had a radio and a family photo placed on top of it.

Taking a closer look at the latter. They all had huge smiles, the tallest man was in an army uniform - a lot of medals, hugging a girl with long, dead-straight, blonde hair.

Not the plastic blonde from the night before....Her subconscious was jumping with glee

In the corner of the picture frame, Alice noticed there was a black-haired woman as she reached for it; the girl was the odd one out, a meek smile, but still apart of the family with her arm linked around the older lady.

Without thinking, Alice, placed the frame back down on the dresser, gently.

A large broken mirror was in the corner of the room, Alice could just see the horrible reflection of her hangover as she sat up. There was a glass of water next to her on the nightstand. She gladly drank it, welcoming the plain taste. After she laid back down, the brightness of her iPhone blinded her.

Fourteen missed calls! Shit!

Alice she scanned the eight messages from Celia, the four from June and three from Kevin; she had come to the conclusion, that she was in trouble.

It was nine-thirty, she had work in two hours.

Shit! she quickly checked social media to see if were there was anything about her night.

Nothing, and she felt relieved.

Alice heard a noise from the bedroom door, sounded like a TV. Quickly getting her jacket together and straightening her dress, she walked out of the room to find herself being stared at by two tall men, one laying in the lap of a red-haired woman, black hair visible from her roots.

The other was holding a cup of coffee, leaning against the kitchen counter as he watched her with a smirk, and yet he looked more welcoming to her than the other two.

"Hi" Alice said, her voice hoarse from her hangover.

The one with the redhead, smiled at her. It was meek - almost uninterested, but still Alice was acknowledged.

"Boy, you had a night. I remember when I was young" His voice called out from the kitchen.

She shuffled uncomfortable, Alice thought about running out the front door then and there, she was feeling small in this room of giants, until the one with the coffee in his hand butted in.

"Don't worry ToyBox, he doesn't bite. I'm Samuel, pleasure. Those things over there are Daniel and Ruth."

Alice, once again shuffled uncomfortable. As she looked down at her fingernails, the door to what looked like the garage opened, and standing in the doorway, was the even taller man.

The man in the photo from the bedroom.

He looked exhausted as if he'd been up all night. He was wearing a thin grey top under that leather jacket and jeans, an old and faded pair.

His eyes were a blue-grey and watching Alice like a hawk.

The two other men, straighten up and the redhead, Ruth, now moved so she was also sitting up, her head leaning on the shoulder have the man now called Daniel.

"and you've kind of met Clayton last night. He brought you here after that little incident at your friend's house" Samuel announced, watching Clayton as he sipped his coffee, his eyes somewhat nervous.

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