Chapter 22

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"Julia, wake up, we have to get moving" Larten's voice sounds distant but I stand up. A sudden burst of heat burns me. 

"What happened" I look at Larten "Where is Darren?"

 "Darren has left I told him to run, Julia you are to dangerous right now, to volatile"

I look down at my hands "We must go then" We set off but they both keep their distance.

"Julia, why do you hide stuff from me?" Darren looks at me

"Safety Darren I want to tell you but I can't, telling you could kill me"

"You could have just said that instead of running off in a rampage"


We stop only to the smell of blood and prince.

"Vancha is here"

Surely enough a ninja star flies past my head "Hey Amber" I jump into the tree with her "is your dad around?"

"Yea, why?" 

"We need to see him, asap"

"Umm yea ok just follow me then"

We follow Amber but Darren seems out of it like something is bothering him.

"Darren, what is wrong?"

"You know that we could die right and maybe never see any of our families ever again right"

"Yea but don't ponder on that because your family still thinks of you I know it is hard now and I am not saying it gets easier it just becomes bearable, I miss my mom. Trust me my mom was amazing, like the best mom ever but once dad left we were on our own to care for each other so stay strong Darren, trust me you might see them again."

He looked at me like he was about to say something but then he kept walking. I felt bad because I know how it feels but in a different way. I want to help him but it is hard right now with such dire circumstances. We kept walking til day because Vancha is crazy and he waits to fight the sun.

"I shall defeat you, you shiny yellow ball of death, I will conquer you and forever shall be immune to your burn" He screamed at the sun.

He was a character that is for sure.

"Vancha, Julia is here with Larten and the new vampire prince, Darren"

"Let me finish my fight then I will be there momentarily"

"Let's wait inside the cave, Julia we have catching up to do" She gave me a cold stare and I knew instantly what she meant.

"You guys wait here while we talk"

I walked away with Amber but Darren's eyes pierced my back almost like he knows what is happening.

"Listen Julia, I know what Desmond told you and I know you don't want this but think of Darren and Larten. They are family are they now"

"No" I growled "He left me Amber did you forget Darren keeps asking and I keep refusing" 

" He deserves to know the truth eventually even if you hold off he will figure it out and when that time comes will you be prepared to tell him that you have been lying and keeping it from him this whole time"

I knew she was right I couldn't keep this secret forever "I'll tell him soon then but he will not know about his fate nor anything deeper than who my dad is"

"Understood princess"

I growled but we both just laughed, we were both princesses but we didn't wear dresses so it didn't seem like we were. We waited in the cave cause Vancha just finished his "Fight"

"Julia, lovely to see you again"

"Likewise March, we have business to discuss with you about the vampaneze lord"

"How about we hold off until tomorrow, sound fair??"

"Yea it does lets get rest then"

We all went and fell asleep but the thought of keeping this secret gnawed at me all night.

Hey guys its been a while but im back and working on another story as well, this other one is for once upon a time so if you like that show as well comment below and when i post it i will put the link in the comments below or at the end of a chapter, thank you so much guys ill try uploading more often i just have been busy with life and work and school. 

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