Chapter 4

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Madam Octa was a truly beautiful spider, one that anyone would love to own and sure enough that is what Darren thought too. I watched him leave but I knew what was wrong I followed him for a while longer. Larten watched him some nights for me because I had other business to attend to. Larten told me about how Darren snuck into the Cirque last night and took Madam Octa. Larten told me that he was clever and sneaky about it.

I began to think of how smart he really was, "Darren Shan you may be able to live out your Destiny more than everyone thinks, don't screw up"

Later that night, as it was my turn to watch Darren.

Darren played while Octa listened, it didn't take long to train her but only certain people can. 

"Darren" I say in my head "please be careful"

I watch him closely every night for the next few weeks. Every day he gets better at training her, he reminds me of myself when I was younger, sneaky and smart, oh wait I still am. I say in my head as I laugh a bit, maybe a bit louder than I should have. He heard me, I quickly flitted down.

"Hello, is anyone there?" He asks worried "guess I'm just paranoid" with that he went back to training.

I watched around than flitted and waited outside his school, watching. He's been avoiding Steve.

I followed Darren home, only for Steve to come over. My crystal began to glow, I can't breathe, It hurts. I fly backwards off the roof my eyes go blue and my crystal keeps glowing. 

"No, I can't stay here and let this happen."

I get up but Darren's parents  come home.

"Ma'am are you okay?" the dad asks worried.

"Yea I guess I just tripped and fell, thank you for asking" with that I ran away quickly worried to stay. I meet Larten back at the theater and he sees the necklace and my eyes.

"Julia, how are you feeling" he asks worried.

I try to talk but I can't get the words out.

"Julia, answer me." He says getting mad.

"I....I....I.... Can't.... Breathe.... It.... Hurts" I say wheezing as the necklace glows stronger. I realize what is about to happen so I walk over to Larten.

"Julia, you must stay sitting" he says worried.

"C-c-catch m-m-me" I say as I pass out as he catches me and puts me into my coffin to rest. 

I wake up and the necklace is dim. Confused I wake Larten up.

"What's going on Larten" 

"The boy, Steve has been bit by Madam Octa, I retrieved her and came back here. I am going to wait for Darren to come, because only I have the antidote." He says seriously.

I walk away and go outside only to realize Darren is running down the street to the theater, so I run inside and hide.

"Larten, I need you, I need your help" He says upset and out of breath 

"Why should I help you, you stole my spider" Larten says calmly.

"Because  I'm sorry I shouldn't have done it and now my best friend is dying"

"I do not think I should help your evil friend. What if Madam Octa bites me then I won't have any antidote for me." He says smartly

"Please, I'll do anything"



"You will become my assistant then"

The look on Darren's face showed that he knew what he had to do.

"Fine, but know that when I get the chance I will kill you"

"Fair enough, now let me taste that blood to be sure you're pure"

He pricked him and tasted it "it is good we can continue" he looked at him then said "hold up your hands like so and I'm going to start the process" with that he pricked all the fingers, even his own and he bled into Darren, blooding him. They both fell back but I didn't bother helping I was to mad.

"You are now a half-vampire, now let us save your friend"

With that they took off and saved Steve Leonard.

The following few days Darren acted strange to everyone but the one day at his school he acted really weird.

Darren was playing soccer as usual but didn't know his strength, he accidentally pushed his one friend over and he cut his knee, Darren ran over and began drinking, not knowing what he was doing until everyone began to watch. He said he was the "Dark vampire lord here to drink all of your blood" then ran off. He headed home, that night he said his goodbyes by saying I love you to everyone and kissing them goodnight. Larten went into his room as I sat outside and told Darren about the potion to silence his heartbeat and pulse to make him seem dead and numbing him so he can't feel what was about to happen.

"Darren are you ready to "Die"?" Larten asks him

"Yes" Darren says

Larten then snaps his neck then throws him out the window, soon discovered by a neighbor. Now we can get down to business.

I acted as his funeral director, man that was boring so many things to do, I even did the x-rays than confirmation that he was dead. I felt dead doing it myself.  We got the funeral done then the fun began.

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