Chapter 10

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I began to pack my stuff up because we are going on a trip to the big city. Larten doesn't know I am coming along, I am just going to follow them. I hope I can find a new friend, preferably a vampire. I am so excited, I have always wanted to go see the city. 

I finish packing then wait for them to head out.

They leave, I begin to follow using the trees as hiding spots. Every time they slept I would hide in the tree. Evra was with them, he was treating Darren so nice. 

They make it to the town. I expected more, I follow them to the hotel room then surprise them.

"I already knew you were there Julia, you are not sneaky enough" Larten says "Your room is across the hall, it's all yours" He chuckles then gives me my key

I take it "I could be sneaky if I want to be" I go to my room and begin unpacking. 

I lay everything out then take out my vile of blood. Maybe Darren will drink if I make him meat with blood on it. I chuckle at the idea.

I walk across the hall, and see Larten already laying in bed.

"Hey guys" I say as i walk in

"Julia" Evra says and hugs me, Darren's face gets red

"Awhh are you jealous, Darren?" I laugh as he pounces on me.

I growl as my eyes turn red, "Get off of me" I push him off and he hits the bed Larten is on. I run to my room and lock the door.

They have been following Larten and this is what I have been told. Darren found a girl he likes, They lured him into the girls room after Evra and Darren were captured. Evra was tortured and Darren led Murlough, A mad Vampaneze, to his little girlfriends house, where Murlough was killed. It was a lot to take in but we are returning to the Cirque. Our visit won't be long

About a week later we get news that we are going to Vampire Mountain. I get excited and pack quickly then run outdoors. I can return to the mountain.

"Julia" Larten says then I calm down "Do not forget why we are going."

"I know" I say

With that we say goodbye then we are off to Vampire Mountain

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